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Myself and my family are in the process of buying a property near Montmorilion and are hoping to move over in December. We have three children, 3, 10 and 16. I would be interested to hear from any other families with children that have moved into or near La Tramouile. I am particularly interested in your experiences with schools. I have very few concerns about the 3 year old, but the 10 year - a few concerns!
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We're in a little hamlet just outside La Trimouille. We've been here for 2 months now and have 2 boys aged 9 and 7. They start at the primary school in LT tomorrow!!!!!!!!
For us it's been so far so good. The school could not have been more helpful. The boys had a morning taster session just before the hol's which removed a lot of their worries. The headmistress speaks very good English, in fact I thought she was English when we first met!
Class sizes are small, 15/16 per class and the boy's found the children very friendly and keen to play with them.
Regarding timing. They were not keen on the boys starting part way through a term, hence our boy's have had a 9 week summer holiday.
The school has a web site, though it has not been updated for a couple of years but it may be of interest.
Hope this helps, all the best
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