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Social Studies, Citizenship, Religious Education, Geography

Jill<br><br>Jill (99)

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LAST EDITED ON 29-Sep-03 AT 11:40 AM (GMT)

Question raised by topic within French Culture -

Is there a lesson within the French Curriculum which teaches about different religions, cultures etc?

I mean this as an informative subject rather than to teach religion. I feel it should really be covered within Geography or Social Studies, which could be done in any country without bias to particular religions.

I'm personally against religious education as such, because in C of E Schools they use it to plug that religion and the same applies in Catholic schools in Britain. Whilst in Britain you can choose to send children to a Catholic School, even if you are C of E rather than catholic, but in many areas there are only C of E schools available, which isn't very appropriate for those who are not C of E. In secondary school Religious Education is at least taught more generally, although teachers do seem to assume that if a child is white or black as opposed to Asian/Arab they are Christians. I understand that in inner cities where the population is more mixed, then hymns and prayers are not allowed because of respect for other religions. Therefore, that respect should be carried out in all schools. I know I said some of this on another topic, but as many people may not have read that topic, I thought it more appropriate to ask the question in Education.

Religion is an interesting subject, but in Britain students don't tend to like it because of it's title. Therefore, I wonder if French students do learn the same things under a different name?

Jill (99)
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No, I don't think they do learn religion. In my son's primaire, at the beginning of the year, they were told that, as a state school, the school is a lay school, completely non-religious. It's about the only thing that my son told me about that first day, so the message must have been very clear!

They do learn civisme though, which covers all sorts of things to do with citizenship, the state, society, rights and responsibilities, local govt, maybe a visit to the mairie, or whatever. No doubt the right to a secular education gets mentioned somewhere along the line.

I think the separation of religion and education is an excellent idea. Look at the creation/evolution argument that goes on in the States, yuck.

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Religion, well judeo/christian is covered in History in College. Alas, the bible seems to be used as a factual historical document.

And Geography is Histoire/Geo, both subjects are lumped together.

They do citizenship things in primary and certainly in secondary.

Other cultures and religions, well I'm not sure if they are taught or not, I cannot remember.
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