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After school TV.


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We are moving over to the Lyon region next summer with our 3 children (9,7 & 3). They will go to the local French schools and we intend to try to fully integrate. We are all learning the language at the moment.
In people's experience would it be a good or bad idea to have satellite TV over there so that they can still watch all their favourite programmes.(we do not have it at the moment but might invest if it will do no harm!)

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>In people's experience would it be
>a good or bad idea
>to have satellite TV over
>there so that they can
>still watch all their favourite

Pressumably you mean UK TV. We have this, but a couple of years ago we were advised by a teacher at school to make more use of French TV in order to improve vocabularly and also to have something in common to discuss in class/with friends. This was despite all ours being born here and never having a problem with the language. If you live in an English only speaking environment at home, despite all their friends and the mix at school they will still lack some French vocab. We installed Canal Satellite mainly for the kids, but kept the SKY as well.


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When we moved over last year, we only had French TV, but after three or four months we got Canel Satellite.

My eldest boy of 2 1/2 was able to watch Tellytubbies and some of his other favourites in French. But a couple of months ago, we got English satellite installed for him (and for us too), so he could watch them in English as well. He is starting to understand the difference in the languages now and counts along in French or English depending on what he is watching.

From my experience, I would advise you to get English satellite as well as the French TV for your own benefit too.

There are only so many episodes of Dallas with JR speaking French that you can watch before going crazy!
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>We are moving over to the
>Lyon region next summer with
>our 3 children (9,7 &
>3). They will go to
>the local French schools and
>we intend to try to
>fully integrate. We are all
>learning the language at the
>In people's experience would it be
>a good or bad idea
>to have satellite TV over
>there so that they can
>still watch all their favourite
>programmes.(we do not have it
>at the moment but might
>invest if it will do
>no harm!)

Hi Piddy,

We resisted English TV for 8 months and then just had to have it as French TV for children is dire and consists mainly of cartoons.

We've been here five years now and my children are perfectly fluent in French. You will find their English will slip a little unless you teach them some yourselves, and we find letting them watch TV in English does help back up our teaching to an extent.

We let them watch Blue Peter, Animal hospital, Art Attack, and Newsround to name a few, and if you subscribe to the minimum Sky subscription there are a host of other informative channels (history geography etc) for when they get older.


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Well, english TV after school has never done my kids any harm and they have been right through the french school system passing exams and doing very well. Currently my son in 2nde at Lyce has been recording episodes of the Simpsons and the BBC Airport programmes for his english teacher to keep the class of 16 year old amused whilst they learn english .I was a bit concerned because of the Simpsons being american but as the teacher did a lot of his training in the US he dosn't seem too worried. As for my son, he's having to do more french whilst the others do english some days,but at the end of the day without english TV his english language skills would have suffered. A lot of the kids round here who have grown up with mine have always liked to come round after homework when they were younger to watch english TV because the french is so awful.
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