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Has anyone had cause to take their child to see an "Orthophoniste" in France, especially one who may speak a bit of English.

It has been recommended by my son's teacher that I take him to see one as he does have some form of dyslexia and needs extra help to get him through school.

We are in dept 50.

Many thanks
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Yes, I have seen too many of these people, I reckon we have seen six of them over the years. Until recently there was only a minimal amount of training concerning dyslexia given to orthophonists during their many years of training, a few weeks maximum. About three years ago, I heard that trainee orthoponists were now being given more dyslexia training.

The other problem is that the teachers actually believe that an orthophonist can 'cure' dyslexia, and I admit that there are orthophonists that can help some children, but 'cure', no, that is not how it works.

A friend of mine's son had been going to the orthophonist from the age of six, in Sept 2002 at the age of 11, his orthphonist actually did a test to try and find out what sort of dyslexia the boy had.

If you want information about dyslexia contact your local APEDYS, there will be a group in every region. They do have a web site. And contact the British Dyslexia Association, they too can be very helpful.

Incidentally not one of my son's teachers ever worked in any way with any of the orthphonists we visited, in spite of one really really trying to get his french teacher to work with her.

I hope that you find one that can and does help and I hope that the school your child attends has some understanding of the complexities of this problem.

Also to get reimbursed when you visit the orthophonist you must see your doctor or pediatrician and get the necessary paperwork from them. And you perhaps will need to get the d'accord from your local CPAM, your doctor will explain it all.
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Yes, my son went regularly for the past two years upto March of this year and it helped him no end. We had to ask the doctor for a prescripton for a "bilan bilingue" and the CPAM and the Mutuelle paid the bills. We were advised by the school to see the Orthophoniste for the same reason as your child as my son has mild dyslexia too. The cost was in the region of about 15 for a half hour appointment but we used to get at least 40mins as she took an interest in my son.
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