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Directory of websites for schools


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For anyone interested in general information, I came across a listing of school websites. You click on a big map of france on a chosen area and it brings up all schools on the web in that area's departments.

For those of us in Brittany (or wanting to be ), you can also go straight to this website below for general info and addresses, calendrier scolaire and all sorts of other info. Click on your department, then from 'prsentation' go to 'etablissements' and you are taken to a smaller map with cantons/citys listed, this takes you to the canton's schools with addresses.

Hope this helps someone!
Cheers! Belinda
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  • 4 months later...
Hello Belinda - have you made it to Brittany yet? We are hoping to go early in the new year for 2 to 3 months to work on our property. I have a 4 1/2 year old who is used to atteding nursery here and I am concerned about finding things/playgroups or ecole martinelle. We will be in Josselin and using the website you supplied I have found some schools. Are ecole martinelles part of primary schools? Do you know if they will let a child attend for a short time? Any help appreciated.

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