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French school to UK University


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Does anyone have any experience of their kids who've spent all or most of their life in the French system, and then gone on to Uni in UK ?
My eldest son got his Bac ES in the summer (having been in France since age of 7). He'd applied through UCAS to do History, but the French Bac results they asked for were really high (14 to 15 !!) So he enrolled at the local Fac as insurance, but found a place in UK through clearing to do European Politics.
He seems happy enough, but the academic style is so very different - only 9 hours a week of lectures / seminars and a massive reading list. Light years away from the weekly controles and directional style of the Lycee.
Can't wait to see him at Christmas to find out what he really thinks of it, and also to see how he interacts again with his French mates (all but 1 of whom have stayed in this area mainly at Prepas - the 1 who did go away has gone to Tibet.... and that's another question - the French don't do Gap years do they?)
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I know of several kids who have gone back to UK universities and have done well. I even know of french students who have gone to uni in the UK and really enjoyed it.

My friend's son is at uni here at the moment, he only has 12 hours of lectures per week, although I have never heard of so few hours at the fac before.
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Hi Rose,

Tilly here.
I honestly don't think that you need to worry. Universities here on the whole pride themselves on being multi-cultural and attracting all-comers. Prospectuses tend to 'boast' about how many countries they attract students from. I'm assuming that language (English), isn't a problem for your son, but even if it had been, courses are held during the summer before admission for anyone who needs to do some more in that direction and students can arrive early to do that.
Coming from every corner of the globe, there will have been a huge variey of different previous learning techniques. University study is anyway very different to UK 6th form work, so it is new to all of them. There will be a whole department dedicated to helping with study techniques, etc; usually really well staffed and excellent. Well used by UK students too.
Much maligned as the UK education system is: at university level,I do think it provides well.

I'm sure your son will have a wonderful time. My daughter is at university in England, but next year she will spend a year at a French university, that will be very interesting!


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LAST EDITED ON 29-Nov-03 AT 02:14 PM (GMT)

My daughter currently doing her 3rd year in France She couldnt believe her first Monday morning everyone up at6am back at Norwich UEA they fall out at 11am, shes in digs no worse than the UK but only one plug in the whole room, no kitchen just a shared 2 ring hob and no fridge,she hangs her food out of the window!
However her french has vastly improved, she has managed to make a few french friends and tomorrow she is going for advent dinner with a french family
Again she says the work load is much higher than back in the uk but its criminal law and she is enjoying it

With regard to your son coming back to UK for uni am I right in thinking that he did not qualify for the uk student loan, and did you getassistance from the french govt instead?

Just thinking ahead for my youngest, she wants to go lycee after GCSE next year but may want to come to uk to do uk

thanks for your comments

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