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means tested school diners


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Just had a letter from the Mairie saying that from Jan 2004 the cost of the school meals, homework club, use of leisure centre and morning garderie will now be based on your monthly income. We are expected to send a copy of our yearly tax assesement to justify. There are 8 steps based on income from < 1200 /month to > 4000/month with for example the price of the school dinner ranging from 1.80 to 3.60 /day.
I've never heard of this before. Are any other Mairie's doing the same ?


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No havn't heard anything. On council we have just set the new cantine tarifs for 2004 and nothing was mentioned then, but again we are only a small village primary with 80 children and yours maybe a larger town establishment. A lot of financial changes depends on the dept prefectures and what they decree. My children at Lyce get their meals via the bourse anyway as we are artisans and that is fairly normal due to all the extra cotisations we have to pay out.
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