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Education: worries wherever you live


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I read the education forum alot, contribute some, have found the paradox thread fascinating, but I am not sufficiently knowledgeable to add anthing of value.
My education concern is this: I have 3 children, 6,10, 13 this year. When in the UK I worried like mad about the state of the system there, consequently, I supported, encouraged and researched, read stories every night, monitored homework, encouraged thought provoking conversation, independent thought, opinions, youn name it.... The children are all v different, so I tried to work on their strengths and give extra support where needed....problem is, I find all of this hard to reconcile with my own experience many moons ago (I am in late 30's), when I went to local state Comp' no one seemed to worry about anything I have mentioned, still less was I coached, encouraged overly, monitored, I just got on....did well enough, but was still first member of my family to make it to 'degree' level. Now, with my own children, I feel as if it has all changed. Expectations are vastly increased, or so it seems to me, the pressure appears to be as much on the parents to make 'the right choices' as on the children to 'perform'.

In the little time we have been in France, I have noticed that it feels no different....the same routines, all the same expectations, tests, reports, little time to appreciate the individual, to enjoy the process of learning. Not that I am criticising either system particularly, perhaps more that the world we bring our children into has changed quite profoundly, that their happiness and well-being is no longer enough, that they must attain certain grades\levels at such young ages, and that these go some way to determining their future opportunities and potential, all fine if they are academically inclined, but when one isn't, how do they fit in, how do they achieve?

This is possibly rather a woolly point, if so, apologies all round, but having read the thought provoking material on the 'Paradox' thread, it made me wonder how other run-of-the-mill parents feel....lost, bothered, inadequate, happy, loving-it, carefree.....in the case of the latter, can you send me step-by-step guide.

Thanks for any thoughts
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LAST EDITED ON 07-Jan-04 AT 10:06 PM (GMT)

"perhaps more that the world we bring our children into has changed quite profoundly, that their happiness and well-being is no longer enough, that they must attain certain grades\levels at such young ages, and that these go some way to determining their future opportunities and potential, all fine if they are academically inclined, but when one isn't, how do they fit in, how do they achieve? "

My contention is that it hasn't changed in France, it has always been like this...since the 1880's. That it has always had this side to it here, memorise the lessons, not necessarily learn the lessons and think. A hard hard system and the very best do flourish in it, why shouldn't they, it is aimed at them. As my 21 year old son says the system is elitist and leaves the kids defeatist......well for those who aren't part of the elite it is.

Still what do he and his friends know, they have only been through the french system. And my eldest is an intelligent lad, not a star, but he needed something different to what he ever got here.

Our youngest son is in the UK. I can say that he is, for the first time, encouraged and being academic or not, is not a issue. And he and we are hopeful that they will get the best out of him, he does not believe it would have happened here. The only time they ever bothered with him here was to tell him off and insult him, well certainly when college started. Pity, such a bright kid.

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