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Short stay education worries


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My Husband and I wish to spent the winters in the charente area, but are worried about our 5 year old daughters education.
We intend to stay for 3 months then return for 2 weeks at christmas and return to France untill easter.We do not need to work and we will not be applying for residency. Will that mean that our daughter will or will not be able to go to a local state school?
I have read a lot about other peoples experiences but none that quite match our siuation.
Can children attend state schools if their parents are not residents or employed in France?
Has anyone any experience or advice?
Also what paperwork would we need to take with us?

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I'm sorry I don't quite understand, are you saying that she will be doing the first two terms in France and the third in the UK, or the first term in the UK, the second in France and the third in the UK.

You say she is five, was she five in 2004 or 2003. That also counts in France.

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I honestly think your daughter will suffer here if this is your intention for some time to come instead of putting down roots permanently. Put into a french system for such a short time with no language,she begins to learn and then hey presto, taken out and back to the UK and so on. Even at this early age, children need stability and it would worry me sick about the effect it could have later on. I don't think the local mairie who are in effect in charge of schools would be very pleased either at being messed around like this.
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>My Husband and I wish to
>spent the winters in the
>charente area, but are worried
>about our 5 year old
>daughters education.
>We intend to stay for 3
>months then return for 2
>weeks at christmas and return
>to France untill easter.We do
>not need to work and
>we will not be applying
>for residency. Will that mean
>that our daughter will or
>will not be able to
>go to a local state
>I have read a lot about
>other peoples experiences but none
>that quite match our siuation.
>Can children attend state schools if
>their parents are not residents
>or employed in France?
>Has anyone any experience or advice?
>Also what paperwork would we need
>to take with us?

I would just like to add that in my childrens' school, there are several children whose parents come to France from Spain and Portugal to work from Spring to sometime in Autumn and return to their native countries for the winter. The schoool is quite happy to accept the chidren for 2 terms and as far as I know, the children don't have any major problems settling in or going to two school in two different countries.

Whether I would do the same with my child, I don't know but in the case of the Spanish and Portugeuse parents, they obviously have no choice with their work being seasonal.

As far as paperwork, we were just asked for proof of the vaccinations. Be aware that schools like children to have had the BCG here before starting school, whereas in England it is done much later.

Best of luck with whatever you decide.

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To put forward a completely different point of view, I think there are many children brought up moving from school to school - I was myself, because of my father's work. The longest I had in any one school was between the ages of 11 and 16. I went on to univesity and graduated.

My sons have had a similar background, including three years in France. They too have now graduated and made some success of their lives.

There are advantages and disadvantages.
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LAST EDITED ON 29-Jan-04 AT 02:46 PM (GMT)

LAST EDITED ON 29-Jan-04 AT 02:44PM (GMT)

Thank you all for your concern,I do appricate it but may be I didn't make it clear that this would only be for a maximum two winters while we dicide wheather france is the place we want to bring up our child in.
Moving out to France is such a bit step that we need to know if it is right for us.We all know how wonderful it is while we are on holiday.
Doing it in the next few years will have less impact on her than leaving it till she is in her teens.
Children are far more resiliant than you give them credit for , the most important thing to remember is that a good loving secure family life will pull any child through changing times.
So please if you can give any positive answers to my questions I would be very grateful
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