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We signed the compromis de vente in the last week of October. What is the usual time frame for getting the papers back (after the seller has signed them) and when do the "2-3 months" average time span before the acte de vente is signed start from?

We're desperately trying not to get too excited before we have something in writing....
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[quote]We signed the compromis de vente in the last week of October. What is the usual time frame for getting the papers back (after the seller has signed them) and when do the "2-3 months" average time span...[/quote]

That rather depends....

It is "normal" for the vendors to sign first. You should then be sent the Compromis for signature. You then get 7 days to "cool off" and withdraw without penalty. Alternatively, you may all (buyers and sellers) be invited to the Agents office to sign the Compromis. 7 day period starts at this point.

To the Acte, some say that it is possible in 5 weeks, although in my experience, the date is set (by the Agent and/or Notaire) to exactly 90 days from when you sign the CdeV. The actual timescale depends on whether you are after a mortgage or any other Clause Supspensive have to be considered.

I doubt if, having signed on the 19th Oct, that Dave & Olive will be installed by Xmas.. My experience; House 1 - signed CdeV 28th August, Acte 10th January (delay due to Vendors arguing). House 2 - CdeV 30/7, Acte 2/11 (delay was caused by the fact that we needed a mortgage & CA does not consider them in August!). There are so many variables (worse than the UK, I'd suggest) that some transactions can drag on for months (plenty of horror stories on here).

Don't worry if you hear nothing from the Notaire, it means that he is not encountering any problems. Chase the Agent by all means (you are paying them enough!), but expect a call summoning you to the Notaire on a particular date.

Bon chance!

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thanks for the helpful info! I didn't realise that the french banks didn't 'do' mortgages during August

We signed the c de v 1st, and the agents waited until the deposit had cleared into their secure account before sending the papers on to the notaire - who has power of attorney to sign on behalf of the vendors.

We're not taking out a mortgage, and the house is empty, so we're hoping to complete ASAP.

Of course, the estimate they gave us of 3-4 months puts it either before or after Christmas so although in theory we could be over there for Christmas we'll have to assume we'll still be here!

Does France grind to a halt for the week between Christmas and the new year like the UK?
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[quote]We signed the compromis de vente in the last week of October. What is the usual time frame for getting the papers back (after the seller has signed them) and when do the "2-3 months" average time span...[/quote]

Don't know if this is typical but -

We signed the compromis with the vendors at the notaires office 29th June. At that time we agreed a date of 30th August for signing the Acte.

Agent emailed us mid August to say Acte was ready for signing if we wanted to complete early. As we had already booked travel etc for 31st August we declined and completed on the originally agreed date.

Why not ask the vendors/agent/notaire to set a date for signing the acte ?


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[quote]Is Olive invited for christmas dinner ?? that is the question[/quote]

well we're hoping to complete before Christmas and then move at the beginning of january .... something to do with empty 40' lorries going from a nearby village to France! Of course all our possesions might end up smelling of cheese, but that's immaterial compared to paying for removals

Otherwise Olive would be very welcome
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  • 2 weeks later...

We made an offer on 2nd October,  signed the Compromis on 17th October and completed on Friday 13th December (lucky for some).

We thought that was quick though.

We were selling another house at the same time and we managed to complete the sale and purchase on the same day - it went like clockwork really.

I think it depends on the Notaire and how efficient he wants to be.  It doesn't do any harm to chase him/her either.

Hope this helps.




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