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French bacs going entrepreneurial !


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Today our daughter has just brought home a bag full of stuff to sell for her ACC course in her Bac Generale.

She has tea towels, socks (cartoon style!) wipe cloths, smelly thin bamboo sticks, tee shirts and a few other bits and pieces. The reson, she has to show she is able to sell them and will need to talk about it all later on. This is the fifth stage of that part of her Bac.

She has a Bon de Commande booklet and is expected to go around to all and sundry and get orders for the items. There is even a national diploma for those that sell well, as well a winning student.

Last year apparently, the winner, from Nantes, I believe sold over 3000 euros worth !! Looking at the stuff, I suspect it might have been at gunpoint !! No that is unfair, the quality is OK.

Some one is getting a nice few bob (I hope it's a kids charity or something) from this or have I missed something ? Oh yes the kids get a commission ranging from 10% at 250 euros and increasing with sales.

The talk comes immediately before the kids put in their sales figures and I am told the talk is more important than the sales figures.

I hope so, because this smells more of "On the Knocker" (anyone remember that?) from my old days in London than pre-Uni activity !!

Anyone else heard of this, at their kids Lycee?


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Hi Miki. Our daughters are at about the same stage at Lyce. No we havn't had this (STT1 Commerce Int)but have had to do a lot of studies on retailing over the past years. Last xmas it was visiting christmas tree outlets,measuring them and comparing prices. In the BAC blanc recently they had to give a ten minute talk on a certain toy - my nintendo gameboy got this privelidge. You have me worried now because I get enough of those "knockers" coming round each year and some of the stuff is only fit for the poubelle and my girl isn't the type to go round doing this on her own. Daughter has now decided to go into tourismn and we are waiting on a reply from a Lyce at St.Brieuc or Pont L'Abb -the thought of all that money we are going to have find sends me into spasms as I was out earning a living and paying my mum board and lodgings when I was 19,not still studying.
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