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University assistance


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Our eldest daughter is just about to sit her final bac exams. She has been offered a place at Exeter university in UK as well as places here at Caen and Rennes. For her place at Exeter she has been sent forms for EU students to apply for tuition fee support. Their website is www.dfes.gov.uk/studentsupport/eustudents/index.shtml
For her application for Rennes she was also sent forms to apply for living/housing expenses (bourse d'enseignement superior/logement universitaire). Only have a email address for the local Crous office in Caen - dse@crous.unicaen.fr
Their phone number is 02 31 56 63 30
We were quite surprised because we were under the impression French students didn't get any assistance, especially as there are no tuition fees to pay if she continues her studies at a French university.
Thought this might help other parents faced with supporting offspring through university - we have 2 starting in October so every little bit will help.

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My daughter takes her BAC next month and had to get her application in for assistance at the next establishment by April 30th very latest and this was done online with a response that all documents will be forwarded within the next three weeks. A lot of her friends won't get any assistance because they have two working parents.
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I don't know much about it but, yes, there is a "bourse" available for students. It is based on parental income (more probably on what tax you pay) and I think it comes in five different bands. From what I have heard it doesn't sound as if it changes depending on whether you live at home or not (as it used to in the UK, no idea if it even exists now) this is probably one of the reasons that French students tend to go for a university close to home.
The crous are also the people who deal with university cantines and residencies

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Hi Val.

We did it all through the internet for our daughters applications to the Rennes Uni's : http://www.ac-rennes.fr/ as well as getting help form her Lyce, on the best ones for her needs.

The assistance for bourse/logement is based on the parents and students salary (if any) for 2003 or perhaps 2002? not sure and it can be found on http://dse.ac-rennes.fr

Hope that will help others.


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