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Schools near Limoux or Castlenaudry


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Pplease could someone help with our search for schools in the Limoux or Castlenaudry areas of Aude. I have 3 children aged 5, 9 and 13. We are currently looking to move in January/February 2005, but although we will move to the Aude region we have not fully decided where. The schools will be the deciding factor.
Thank you all.
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I posted a similar message sometime ago for schools near Civray dept 86, and received no replies. So don't panic if you hear nothing. I decided to write to the schools closes to our house, both public and privee, and we then went to visit them with the kids. Last week the boys spent a day at the schools they liked and we are now definatly making the full-time move next month.
My boys are 9 and 11 and don't speak very much french,but are going on an intensive summer course. Good luck and I hope you find someone with the info you need.
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