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Social Sercurity Number


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My husband and i and our 2 children recently moved here with my parents . the plan when we came here was as an extended vacation for one year we were advised to use our e111 as we could not apply for an e106 as my husband did not qualify as he did not pay enough national insurance and i was a house wife .We are quite happy to use an e111 but our children started school here and they are asking for  a social sercurity number . In order for the children to go to school do i have to have a social sercurity number? We did not want to register untill we had been here a year to make sure we like it here.
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You had better take a bit of care here. If you only have an E111 to tide you over in case of medical expenses, how are you going to explain to the authorities why your kids are in a french school with no proper medical cover,you cannot say you are on an extended holiday exactly. Everything is linked together here - Caisse Maladie,URSSAF,CAF etc. Schools have to have your social security number in case of accidents so they know who is going to pay the bills and this is the number issued by the CPAM regarding their part of medical insurance. It is extremely dangerous not to have proper medical insurance especially with kids as they often need treatment. Get onto Newcastle and see what you may be entitled to or else buy private,but do not try and exist here without adequate insurance - you may end up losing your house to pay the bills and there will be others on this forum who can second this advice.
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Yes you need to contact Newcastle, not only you, but your parents too. And E111 is for emergency medical treatment on holiday and certainly not for you. Who ever told you to just use an E111 gave you very bad advice. Be wary of what so ever they have told you.

Also we don't get full cover here and most of us need a top up insurance, (which does not necessarily mean that we get 100% back, but generally most of the difference as to what we pay and what the government reimburses).

Re your E106, if Newcastle refuses to issue an E106, you simply take this letter stating this to the local CPAM and they will put you in the french system.

Also in February / March 2005 you will need to fill in a tax form in France for the period you have lived here (world wide income and there is a reciprocal agreement between the UK and France, you don't pay twice). You get them from the Mairie. You may not end up paying anything here, but you must do it.



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