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Firewood purchase - defining quantities

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In our region (84 Vaucluse) firewood seems to be bought by the "stere" which I was given to understand is a cubic metre.  It is cut to the length you request, that generally being 30 cm or 50 cm.

However having ordered and paid for 3 steres of 50cm logs, when actually stacked up it came to only about 2.5 cu metres, i.e. about 16% less.  When I called back for an explanation I was told, in essence, "It's always less when stacked and you get less if it's 50cm logs anyway". This sounds like a******and bull story to me, unless what they are saying is that they measure it somehow by the volume piled in the truck which would result in more air space I guess. However I feel that he is trying to pull the wool over my eyes here. In any event, I know I burn a certain amount each day so the amount I order is what I want delivered. I will probably use a different supplier next year I think.

Anyone got any comment or advice on this ?


PS also found I needed a chainsaw as well, as a significant percentage were actually OVER 50cm and thus won't go in the stove anyway!!!


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In any region we have lived, they wheel out that line. This year we paid the most we have ever paid, 384€ for 2 cordes. Measured it as normal and barely 5 cu metres. Quick call to the chap and he came back, armed with a piece of paper in which it legally explained the reasons that one  should never expect the exact amount ordered. It showed in pictures and text quite clearly, that up to 20% could be lost in "shrinkage", "cutting of the  logs" and "restacking". The more you bought, the more shortage !!

I argued that I ordered 6 cu ,metres and that was what I wanted and after a while, he backed up a little and sent round a further 3/4 metre but I have to say the chap was a legal seller and a proper facture was given and the wood was of good size (50cm) and quality oak.  He was also was recommended by the Mairie, so he is above board and his statement on shortage has been backed up the neighbours (albeit with a nod and a wink !) This was one of the first times we have ever bought off a legit seller. Lets all be quite straight on this matter, using black for this or that, simply does not apply when it comes to winter wood.

We must have bought many cubic metres over the years and I must admit, we have only ever got the exact amount ordered on the rare occasion. I tend to stack and pay later but this year I paid on the nail due to him being legal and reccommended, wrong, it's back to stack and pay next year. You might be looking a long time until you get what you pay for. Many people tell me "Oh we always get what we pay for"

Well I can only say this, I have looked on many occasions at their log pile and it is always short. Going by past history, I am not so sure that many people really can measure it up and so are happy to see this massive pile of wood and say "Cor look at that lot we're gonna be warm this year" Yeh and so is the pirate that sold it, thank you very much !!

Ah well, c'est la France and yes, maybe some Brits get stuffed but at least all the sellers seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet and giving short measures is something the French themselves accept (but maybe in not quite the same metric amount !)




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Thanks for that Miki, very helpful comment....   it just happens that we have a wood "cave" where one of the walls is 3m long and 2m high, so I expected it to be filled with wood 1 log deep if I ordered 3 steres. I guess from what you say that a corde is 3 steres (you said 2 cordes at one point and 6 cu. m. later?)  By the way I paid €180 for my "3" steres, so it was a tiny bit cheaper than yours, but not all good oak.

On a different note, I see that in my original message I made a reference to a "(something I apparently can't say) and bull" story - the site management has converted that to "a******and" bull story.....   I guess it's a good job we are not discussing the ability to keep chickens as clearly it would become necessary to keep referring to a "male of the common domestic fowl gallus domesticus" every time.  Are they just trying to "cock a snook" at me or are they are so ignorant and obsessed with sex that they don't know that some words have more than one meaning?    


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Here in (24) wood is sold by the 'brasse', namely 4 cubic meters. I pay 900ff for a brasse of seasoned oak cut 50cm, delivered and stacked. Nobody talks in euros in these parts. I calculate this as 137.20 euros. In all the many years I have been buying wood from local farmers I have never had 4 cubic meters it's always under and never over. I am resigned to the logic they use. It's been 900ff for close on 15 years so they gradually reduce the amount to make up for it. This they think keeps everyone happy since they don't seem to believe anyone would go to the trouble of actually measuring the stacked pile. Soon I will need to order 2 brasse to get through the winter! c'est la vie!
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What Miki implies is a golden rule, it is up to the purchaser to make sure that they are getting what they want before they pay.
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[quote]What Miki implies is a golden rule, it is up to the purchaser to make sure that they are getting what they want before they pay.[/quote]

True, but a it's bit difficult to make the guy hang around for 2 hours while we wheelbarrow it 200m to the house and stack it!!  

I guess we are stuck with Kellogg's Law : like it says on the cornflakes packet "contents may settle in transit".......


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It's too late for you now but it is quite normal (indeed advisable) to agree payment terms prior to delivery as well as exactly how much wood you are getting... and depending on how much you're paying help with stacking may be included in the price in order to facilitate speedy payment.

It is entirely up to the buyer to make sure he is happy with the deal, the seller is expected to get away with as little as the buyer permits.

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