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Advice for accidents at school


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My son (nearly 3) has a place at the local ecole maternelle at the end of August but I am worried that he occasionally has accidents, even at home (both kinds!!)

He was "expelled" from a local holiday club because of this problem, even though I have tried to get him to say "je veut pipi" or "Toilette" etc etc, as advised on this forum. Sometimes he's OK, other times he hops around, just saying "Mummy!"

His older sister is very good at taking him to the toilet, and luckily she will be at the same school, though in a different class. However, she was at holiday club too...

If this problem persists, how will this be viewed by the school? Does anyone have any suggestions please?

thanks in advance

p.s. we moved from the UK nearly 4 months ago, but I was hoping that would give him long enough to stop doing this!
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I have been told that virtually the whole day at maternelle is spent in trips to the toilet (at that age).
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I don't think you need to worry too much. My friend is a maternelle and sometimes CP teacher at the local primary where her husband is the headmaster and some of the "accidents" they both have to deal with from children a lot older never seem to cause any problems. My son recently went with her to take the kids on a nature walk just before they broke up for the hols and several little ones wet themselves,but she took it all in her stride and cleaned them up from the "kit" of spare pants and tissues she always carries. When we lived in the UK and my two were three years old,the local playgroup wouldn't even entertain taking them for the morning sessions unless they were completely dry and if accidents happened they got very cross and didn't like cleaning them up.
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My daugther at 3 years old started maternelle last year, over this time she has had a couple of accidents, normally caused by sleeping too heavily on their early afternoon nap! When this has happened she has been treated with the utmost respect and clothes have been provided with her own clothes bagged up.
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Hi, our little boy aged 3 1/2 has been at maternelle for a year now and I have always put a spare set of clothes in his bag, plus an extra pair of pants. There is never a problem if he does have an accident and I am usually told with a smile and a gallic shrug!

Don't worry about it, it is normal for accidents to happen, even if they are regular to begin with. Just explain to the school that he is having trouble settling in and they will be extra patient. Perhaps tell them when he normally goes "pee-pee" or "ca-ca" and they might be able to prempt him!

Very best of luck.
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