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Termites now!

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Hi again. I'm the one with the asbestos I didnt mention that they also found termites in the cave. I am about to sign the compromis  but now am not sure  At first I thought I was onto a good thing as the owner has to pay and I have the protection but now they say there is a new treatment apparently the chemical one is foul! and they only give a guarantee of 5 years Question is am I better buying this house which ahs had termites with a guarantee or dropping whole thing and starting agaiin I sthere more likelihood of them coming back again after 5 years ..................they dont mention that! This new protection is called pieges- appats anybody any experience please? Thanks for all your help again. Maureen
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Hi Maureen,

Sorry, I don't have any experience of houses with termites - our house came with a clean bill of health but we have just paid out for every room in the house from grenier to cave to be re-treated again just to make sure. Not cheap!

Personally, I wouldn't have bought our house if it had come with all the problems you have mentioned about yours - one out of three (lead, asbestos and termites) might have been manageable but all three!! This is only my own opinion but it sounds as if the owners haven't taken care of your house in a long time so who knows what other problems are lurking under the surface - have you checked the condition of the roof ?(very expensive job if it all needs replacing), are the electrics pre-war (also expensive to replace), damp rot? dry rot? woodworm?

If you are set on the house then I think you should invest in paying for a full structural survey.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.






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