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nobody any experience with termites then?

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Most of the people who buy in France do not have experience of termites for two reasons, a) they may not live in an area where there is a risk or b)  if they do live in an affected region, they have had a termite survey done.

If you are in an affected orange or red area, your notaire or immobiliser would have suggested it as a precaution in the same way as you have an asbestos and lead survey carried out.  The problem with termites, unlike capricorn and woodworm, is you often don't know you have them until it is too late as they eat away the wood from the inside. 

 Do a google search for termites in France, it will take you to sites that show where termites are a real problem, (where it is warm and wet generally).  If termites are found in your property,  it is not a disaster as you can have a spray done in the same way as you would for woodworm etc in the UK,  but a lot more thorough and invasive

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Maureen - I don't know where the story comes from that all houses in france have termites because it's just not true. There are several kinds of creepy crawlies that live in woodwork. As far as I know termites are the most destructive but as Ron says they can be treated.We have something called carpenter ants.at one time I thought that termites was a generic name for all kinds of ants but it seems not. As I said in a previous post if I was you I would have an independent assessment done for your own peace of mind. Of the three problems you mention the termites are the most serious. Two of the houses we looked at out of about 30 had termite infestation .In one of them they were in the ceiling joists of a downstairs room above the ceiling and the treatment was going to make quite a mess ie the ceiling had to come down.  Pat.
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No.  but, watching programme in france on it last week, once the house is registered as having termites it is  on the french reg for life.... to kill termites the poison is injected in every piece of wood in the house every 30cm into drilled holes then plugged,   THIS INCLUDES THE WOOD YOU CANNOT  SEE . so if the attic is boarded walls might /even have to come down if it is timber framed .The process is toxic and you will have to move out for a few days. Other methods like the yanks use is to tent and gas the house but do not know if this is used in france.

            I  could and am buying a house with all of your last post,but sorry with Termites I would  Walk away just walk away

         I am no expert but this is my view you asked for

                          Dave & Olive


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a friend of ours in the Dordogne had an infestation of termites, they came to their notice in May when they came out of the woodwork and took flight like large flying ants, he said that the beams were covered in them at this time, they had a full treatment done and kept their fingers crossed, the next year, in May out they came again! Most reputable companies provide a guarantee once they have treated and luckily our friends were covered by such a guarantee. This, i am happy to add took place 4 years ago and to this day they have been clear of termites. We had a survey done on our house, paid for by the seller and required by law i think, but as with all 'surveys' there will be some small print somewhere that protects the surveyor from any come back if the survey is subsequently found to be wrong. I am sorry that all of this is of NO help to you whatsoever except to say that it could be that you can at least see that there is this problem and you CAN have it treated, you could look for another house that comes up 'clean' but in a years time...out come the termites, it's all part of the 'fun' of starting a life in France....kind of comes with the territory... I am off now to do a search on Google to find out if I am in a RED zone.......

good luck

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