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Strike warning


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Just a waring, there's a strike planned for next Thursday, 20th January. I'm pretty sure, it's only state schools but I don't know if it will be secondary only, or primary as well. In my husband's school, there will be no cantine as the ATOSS will be on strike too.

Here's the SNES tract about it http://www.snes.edu/snesactu/article.php3?id_article=1277 They mention that there will be  PTT (that's good I didn't realise they were still called that) and SNCF strikes next week too.

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youngest came home from school yesterday all smiles with the announcement that there is no school n Thursday due to `en grave`, asked on of the mums if it was true and she thought school was closed due to `inspection` Asked `le director` this morning and he confirmed  a strike for thursday .Primare 66. Mrs O
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Sent one kid to Primaire and the other to College with instructions to check;otherwise I'l be outshopping and neither has a key! Even if both lots are on strike, there will be some teacherswho belong to a different union and won't be, I've found in the past. Plus coles Primaires HAVE to stay open, strike or no strike.
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As Battypuss said, even if there is a strike, schools have to take pupils, they are not allowed to refuse them access. I have been told that primary schools have to take pupils unless all the teachers are on strike in which case they are allowed to close (I've never checked) I know that secondary schools have to take pupils; It's very rare for all the teachers of a set secondary class to be on strike (despite what the kids would have you believe) and even if they are, the school still has a responsibility to take pupils.

Thursday's strike has been called by all the major teachers' unions, but not all teachers are union members (I would guess less than half) not that prevents them from striking

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