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English & extra brevet points?


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In my son's 6ième there was the choice of English or German.  He took German and really really likes it.   Then someone told him last night that he should have taken English, because that gives you extra weighting in the brevet.

Is this true, in any way?   There are 12 of them doing German, 4 are already bilingual in French and English, don't know about the others.   Do they really have to do better in a THIRD language than the other 180 French children have to do in a second language?

Tell me I've misunderstood!


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Tell me I've misunderstood!

You've misunderstood

Well, someone somewhere has anyway. Maybe what they were trying to say was that he was certain (in most French people's opinion at least) to have really good grades in English which would obviously be a bonus for the brevet.

The way the brevet stands at the moment, it's graded out of a total of 340 (if I remember right, I'm at home at the moment) 200 is continuous assessment and 140 is the written brevet. The continuous assesment is calculated from their yearly moyenne in every subject in 4eme and 3eme. This gives a note out of 20 which is multiplied by 10. All subjects have the same coéfficient including sport, music LV1 and LV2. The only subject that isn't included is histoire-géo ed/civ (don't tell him- this is a closely guarded suject most teachers don't even know this) The written brevet is in French, maths and hist-géo and gives a grade out of 140. I think all three subjects have the same coéff here as well. A pupil needs to get more than 170 to pass.

The way this works means that the three subjects taken in the written exam end up with stronger weighting (hist-géo less so)

I'm assuming your son will be doing English as his LV2 when he goes into 4eme. Both LV's have the same weighting in the brevet so his bilingualism will be helpful at that point.

Of course all this is with the present brevet, the projet de loi is planning on changing some of the details, but we'll see that when (if) it happens.


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I've had two take the Brevêt and there was never any mention of extra points in english. The BAC was different where you can do an extra oral exam (my daughter actually got more points for her spanish than english!)but it was upto the parents and students to make the special journey about 40miles away at their own cost to do this. My son had French,English,Spanish and Breton to do when he first started collège,talk about confused or what and he was thankful to drop the last two when he went to Lycée.
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