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School Ages


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I am a little confused about what age children a re in each year group.  I understand that they can drop back a year or go forward but what is the norm.


My son is 10, his dob is 13/11/94 so will be 11 in May.  In England he was in year 6 (the last year of primary).  If he were in the French system in the correct year where would he be, primary CM2, or college 6ieme?

All replies gratefully received.


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[quote]I am a little confused about what age children a re in each year group. I understand that they can drop back a year or go forward but what is the norm. My son is 10, his dob is 13/11/94 so will b...[/quote]

Unlike in the UK, children are grouped (initially at least) according to their birth year, so all children born in 1998 started primary school last September, whether they had been 6 since January or didn't turn 6 until December.

Current school years relative to birth year are:

CP: 1998
CE1: 1997
CE2: 1996
CM1: 1995
CM2: 1994
6e: 1993

So your son would be in CM2.

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[quote]Yes, he should be in CM2 this school year, going on to college in 6e in September, the same as my son.BTW "My son is 10, his dob is 13/11/94 so will be 11 in May." If his birthday is 13th November, h...[/quote]

Sorry you are right, his date of birth is 9/05/94.  Typing whilst brain not in gear. 
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Daughter is three days younger than your son and in CM2, hopes to go to College next year!

Can I join the club? OK my son misses being a May baby by 2 days (he's 29th april) but he's in CM2 now and will be going to 6eme in September (in my collège )

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