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Does anyone need free help on a conversion project?

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Let me explain......

We are 3 English guys, who were in the middle of purchasing a property in Limousin. The sale on our property was nearly completed when the purchaser backed out. So we were unable to complete on The French house.

We have psyched ourselves up for the move to France, and now feel we are in total limbo!!

It could be months before we are in a position to purchase our own property in in France again. We are now trying to find ways where we can get to France as soon as possible. We can't really afford to rent a house in France as all our capital is is tied up in our house here. We have adequate income on which to live in France.

Is their anyone who has a conversion project in hand or planned that needs some physical help, but cannot afford to pay for extra labour? We would be very happy to offer our services in exchange for somewhere to live. We are prepared to go anywhere in France, if we can be of use to someone?

We have a great deal of experience in property maintenance. Two of us are very good woodworkers. One of us is an excellent gardener. All three of us are very used to hard work.

We can't achieve our French 'dream' yet - but maybe we can help someone else to achieve theirs.

Jake n Tommy

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Is there a reason why you only signed off with two names when there are three of you? I could be interested. Have a place in the Dordogne, actually two houses, where my partner is slowly (slowly being the operative word!) doing them up. Obviously need more communication before anything concrete but yes, could be interested.

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There is a great deal of work available in our area of south-west France for registered artisans.

Presumably as part of your original plans, you obtained the required registration.

This will have given you your Siret number and TVA number (depending on turnover) which you need to work legally in France.


Bob Clarke


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Hi Bob

Thanks for your noted comments.

We dont want paying for the work we are offering. We are just offering help to someone who might need it.

When we finally buy our own place in France, maybe someone might come and give us a hand, as a friend, not as an employee.

We see it as a working holiday.

Jake n Tommy


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Whoever you work for, or you, will need some very hefty insurances. What happens if one of you falls of a ladder, you are not in the French health system so who will pay after initial emergency treatment (could be up to €1,000 a day for sever injury, a travel policy will not cover you for working even if you are not paid). What happens if something you do goes wrong?

This is all without the locals taking umbridge at you working on a project and informing the authorities that you are not registered. You may just be doing someone a favour BUT someone has to provide sufficient insurances/health cover to make sure that fines and or court cases do not come out of this.  There was a very good thread once about a gardener who cut off the top of his finger and the UK ex pats, owners of the property in the South of France ended up paying so much as the chap was not registered that they lost their home.

Doing it for a mate/for free is all very well, but this is France.

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HI, I tried to reply last week but it doesn't seem to have got to you privately so here goes again.

We are in Lot et Garonne. We have just started renovating our barn. We have loads of work to do and would love help in return for accommodation (a 3 bedroomed, fully fitted house or chambre d'hotes rooms). 

If you are interested, please contact me.


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We might be interested, we have a small house in Normandy (14) and we are relocating to Sydney for 3 years in january. I am wanting to rent the house out but before I do it all needs to be painted and generally tarted up. the ceilings are low enough for you not to need a ladder so you should not fall off!

really nothing strenuous but we have no time to do it as there is too much to do here.

let me know if interested


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[quote]We might be interested, we have a small house in Normandy (14) and we are relocating to Sydney for 3 years in january. I am wanting to rent the house out but before I do it all needs to be painted and...[/quote]

Just seen your post, cant believe some of the replies, you seem decent guys who are offering something, but still people try to put you down for it, hope you find someone who will appreciate you, I am a builder and doing all the work myself, Im not employing any one and I haven't upset the locals, they comment on the place looking better than the wreck it was, good luck boys, there only jealous
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I'm sure nobody wants to put anybody down, particularly as this looks like a very generous offer. It's just that people can sometimes overlook the formalities when offered a bargain like this. I'm certainly not saying there is anything dodgy about these kind people or their offer, but you do have to consider the legal requirements in France that apply to people doing work for you.

Insurance is important, you do need to make sure you, or the workers, are covered, not just for anything that might happen to the workers but for any consequences involving third parties - e.g. if a power cable or water main, or a neighbour farmer's fence, got damaged. It's quite possible that there could be a misunderstanding if people other than yourself are spotted working on your house and checks are made by the authorities or the gendarmes - would you be able to satisfy them? And it obviously doesn't apply in this case, but unscrupulous people could use an offer of free building work in order to gain access to your holiday home.

We certainly don't want to dissuade anybody from taking up offers like this but you need to go in with your eyes open. France is a very bureaucratic country and checks are made.

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Many thanks everyone for your comments.

We are sure there are many people 'out there' who are hell bent on ripping people off! Be they English, French or whoever. The newspapers are full of stories of people being taken advantage of, be it their money, their properties or even their lives!!

But thankfully there are many very genuine people in this world, that make the whole experience of living worthwhile. But we always have to be on our guard. Sadly this is the way we have to behave.

There is a saying 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do' OR 'When in France,do as the French do'. And this is what we plan to do. We plan to register with all the necessary legal bodies. We plan to be insured. We plan to do everything above board. We plan to become part of French life. We even plan to buy a French property. We plan to pay our way. We have lots of plans - and we will achieve them all!!

The first thing we have learnt, since placing this post on Living French Forum. Is that there are a great number of people who are opening themselves up for major problems. Such as the people, who own property in France, but live in the UK. They have asked us to go and work on their properties, but no question of references, no request for a meeting before hand! 'The key is under the mat mentality'!!!! I have found myself warning these people of the results of their actions!!

The other thing we have learnt, since placing the original posting on here, is that there are many super people who have made the move to France. Some have been quite inspirational! Cheers folks !!


Jake n Tommy

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  • 3 weeks later...

We would like to give our warmest thanks to all those people that replied to our posting on Living French Forum. We have been inundated with requests, too many to reply to individually.

We have accepted an offer from a very nice couple in the south of France. We chose this couple because 'our arrangement' will be mutually beneficial, and they have an exciting project, which we are looking forward to being part of.

Once again, kind regards to everyone.

Jake and Tommy

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