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property finding club, Hunter search

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Hi, looking for property in France I have come across some properties that are advertised through a club called Hunter search, I have not heard of them before and am wondering if anybody here has had any dealings with, They require £1000 up front, that is why I am asking the question, It sounds like an I deal oppertunity for my sister who is looking for a property at the moment but she wants to be shure before handing over any money, Please if you havent heard of them dont write back, please dont write to complain about my puctuation or spelling or anything else unrelated. thanks very much.......Mark   
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As nobody has answered I can only assume that nobody has any experience of the organisation you mention.

I would personally be very wary of any company that asked for advance payments, but not knowing what is offered in return for the fee I can't make any judgements in this case. Under normal circumstances people have an idea of the sort of house they want, their budget, and the area in which they want to buy, and with that information it's not difficult to do your own property search. However I do understand that not everybody has the time or the wish to do it themselves. I'd have a look at the service offered by the so-called 'granny network' (http://www.grannynetwork.info - a rather informal network of ladies in France offering home searches and other services) before committing myself to an unknown seach club.

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Be careful. I have never heard of anyone demanding any sort of payment up front before to find property if they legit. Any agent/notaire worth his salt will gladly do this for free if you contact them for details. Sounds like someone trying to con naiive folks again and theres plenty of them about.
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That gone up a lot,it used to be £50 up front and a percentage of around 1% of the sale price.No real need to a property finder,even if any buyer if short on time,at the end of the day no one would buy a house unseen(would they).
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Hi All, Thanks for the replies, I agree,  What they offered for £1000 was, to find up to 5 properties matching your criteria, (as long as it was flexible and realistic) and they had to be under £100k each, they would then help you arange work etc for as long as you remain a member, they aparently get the properties direct from Notairs and have them exclusively, and as there are no agents they are suposed to be very reasonably priced indeed, It looked like an opertunity to find the type of property my sister is after in the area she wants and within her tight hard to match budget, I have posted on other forums and have contact numbers for some people who they claim to have used the service, aparently they have been running for 5 years so there should be some info out there, Im Keeping my ear to the ground for a while to see what comes up, I must say without concrete varifiable facts We will not be going for it.  For those of you who are about to write back complaining about my spelling and punctuation please dont, any info on Hunter search gratefully recieved, please dont write back about anything else or go off on a tangent...thank's much appreciated.....Mark
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Without mentioning their actual name could you give an idea of where in France you are looking and where the 'Hunter' is based. Somebody might know who you are talking about and can give better feedback. I know of one based in my area, and american lady, she is very good but tends to go for the higher end properties and I have met some of her very happy customers. Like all businesses there are some that are good and others that are bad and rip off merchants.
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Hi All, Thanks for the info. Ill give the Notiars site at try thanks for that,  The search club deals with south west france and property up to 100k max. My sister is looking around dept 12 aveyron, would like near estang, espallion or within 30 mins drive, rural no near neighbours, water / electric, basic livable, min 1.25 acre £20,000 ish, so she has her work cut out... thanks every one....
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Although I haven't had dealings with them, I have spoken to a lady recently that stated that she was very happy with the services that the Hunters Search Club offered her. They arranged everything down to the removals and also when her husband was ill, dealt with the hospital etc. They are Bournemouth based as far as I believe. You could contact them on 01202 389068 to see what they offer.
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