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Estimated EDF bill


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I'm sure this must have been aired previously, but I am unable to find it.

Just received EDF electricity bill based on the previous owners usage.

We are only in France part-time and  it's around 250 euros too much.

I am currently in UK, returning to France next week.

What's the usual way to deal with this?

Pay up and wait for it to right itself next time,  or ask them to amend it?

Will they accept my meter reading?



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We had this problem, so sent the OH (should that be BH) to the local EDF office with the current meter reading as this was significantly less than what we had paid for (by Direct Debit). The EDF person took some convincing that no one would be at home in January when the meter would be officially read, or that we couldn't leave a key with neighbour.

Whether our reading (which won't move between then and February 05) will be used for the next bill I don't know, we shall see.

It is possible be to have fitted a remote meter reading device, at a cost. Not sure what that cost is but I think it has been mentioned in previous threads.


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I agree that if you are not in the property when the meter reader comes that the best solution is to arrange for EDF to fit a remote meter reading device. When I had this device installed 3 years ago the cost was about £40.

The other tip if you are paying by DD on estimated readings, you should find the meter reader has left a card for you to complete. If you complete this you will find that EDF will refund any over payments directly to you Bank account usually within a couple of weeks. However, if the meter reader misses taking your reading for 18-24 months then EDF will insist you make prearrange time for your meter to be read. Having been through this hassle I found installing the remote device solved all the problems.


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[quote]We had this problem, so sent the OH (should that be BH) to the local EDF office with the current meter reading as this was significantly less than what we had paid for (by Direct Debit). The EDF perso...[/quote]

"It is possible be to have fitted a remote meter reading device, at a cost. Not sure what that cost "

I had one of these devices fitted (un telereport) - it cost 116 € including cost for making a hole through the wall. Very neat job, took a couple of hours.


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We have a bill from EDF every two months. They know we are second home owners as we recorded this when we moved to the "Tempo" tariff. Every two months we get a high bill which we assume is based on previous useage. Therefore, when we visit the last thing we do before leaving is take a reading. The bill is sent to us in the UK, we fax the latest readings to EDF and we get a correct bill about 10 days later.

This seems to work to everyones satisfaction


Robin Wolf

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