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Testing, testing testing......


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It seems to me they test and test all the time in this french school.  In a recent math test, the test had to be repeated by any students failing to have scores above 18, some had to repeat several times......makes me wonder if the teacher is being pressured for good results and may only submit the best and final results????  Cooking the books......
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No, I can confirm there is absolutely no pressure on the teacher to ensure that pupils get certain results. There is no result related pay!

However you are right that there is a lot of testing in French schools. Per subject the pupil should do at least three tests a terms, often more, and their results will determine whether or not they move up into the next class. It sounds to me like repeating the test is just an attempt to make the pupils understand their mistakes, there is a mentality of, "we've fished that let's just forget about it" among them sometimes.
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Err, excuse me? Are you talking about primary or secondary school? If it's Primaire you are talking about then

a) rest assured that there are just as many tests as in UK schools, and

b) they can determine all they like with the tests, as there is absolutely NO obligation for a child in Primaire to repeat a year! The final word is with the parents up until 6ieme.
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