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Documents for school

Rob G

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We'll be moving to Normandy in November.

We've read that schools will ask for confirmation of vaccinations. We have 2 kids aged 8 and 11. Do we need to get hold of something for this?

While we're at it, is there any other documentation we'll need to take (health-related or otherwise) when we go to the Mairie to ask about registering the kids for school?


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I registered mine directly at the schools not at the mairie, although this could be because it was a larger town.

I think that all that was needed was the carnet de santé and proof of address (electricity bill or similar) One of the schools may have asked for the livret de famille, the french book you get when you marry that as everybody's details in it, but I expect a birth certificate would do instead.

Here's the link to the ministry site which tells you what they consider necessary for inscription. Not every school asks for everything on the list.http://www.education.gouv.fr/prat/inscrip.htm

This is what the site says you need for for primary school

Votre enfant n'a jamais été à l'école maternelle
Adressez-vous à la mairie de votre domicile en présentant :
- le livret de famille, une carte d'identité ou une copie d'extrait d'acte de naissance
- un justificatif de domicile
- un document attestant que l'enfant a subi les vaccinations obligatoires pour son âge.

First go to the mairie with

-livret de famille, ID card (passport) or birth certificate

-proof of address

-proof the child has had the vaccinations necessary for his age

Faites ensuite enregistrer l'inscription de votre enfant par le directeur ou la directrice de l'école élémentaire en présentant :
- le certificat d'inscription délivré par la mairie ;
- le livret de famille, une carte d'identité ou une copie d'extrait d'acte de naissance
- un certificat médical d'aptitude ;
- un document attestant que l'enfant a subi les vaccinations obligatoires pour son âge.

Then go to the school with

- certificate of inscription from the mairie

-livret de famille, ID card or birth certficate

- a medical certificate (no idea about this, i've never been asked for one)

-proof the child has had the vaccinations necessary for his age

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We registered our son for school this year - we went to the Mairie as a matter of course and they just sent us direct to the school (this is a very small village). For registering we were asked for the livret de famille, but the birth certificate we showed sufficed. Other requirements were a certificate of insurance (for school outings, etc) which we obtained from our insurance company, and the certificate of health from our doctor. I just made a doctor's appointment and paid the consultation fee and she supplied the certificate (a general bill of good health, stating there are no medical reasons the child can't participate in school life). The doctor and the school were happy with just looking at the UK red health book to confirm all necessary vaccinations had been given.

Good luck...


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[quote]We registered our son for school this year - we went to the Mairie as a matter of course and they just sent us direct to the school (this is a very small village). For registering we were asked for th...[/quote]

When we signed Daniel into the local (village) school, they asked for his birth certificate and proof that had his MMR - I suspect that his was just "this week's requirement" (or that they believe that English kids are plague carriers). His red NHS book sufficed (they took copies of all the pages, including the advice pages....).


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went direct to the school,  had to show proof of vaccinations and birth certificate.  Not that it was taken any notice of as it wasn't until 5 months after they realised the children hadn't had their BCG which is a school requirement here, normally given at birth in hospital so we now have to get our 4, 8 and 11 year olds BCG's done.  Didn't initially have insurance but all was sorted out the 1st week,  the school normally gives you a form for the school insurance which is widely used, we started off insuring them with the bank but have now changed to MAE which seems to be quite popular.  Good luck with your move.    
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
we had to get a basic medical certificate from a local (i.e. french) doctor for the smallest to start ecole maternelle, but the older daughter didn't need any documents other than the usual photocopy of the passport at the mairie...

Neither of the girls has had the BCG - in fact the youngest has only had tetanus, diptheria and polio as we weren't happy with the MMR. The french doctor said it was a question of parental choice and left it at that.

Assurance Sscolaire is needed but they were happy to receive the certificate after the child had started school.

This is one of those things that comes up time and time again as being very regionally dependent - the best advice is as usual to ask at your mairie...

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