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Children living in France!


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Hi *

I am nearly 10 we are moving to France in August. I don't no what the french schools are like and life there. Are there any kids near

Cahors so I can email them. I think it's going to be scary at first. I am having French lessons at the minute.  *

please get in touch and let me know how your getting on.

By Roxy x x

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We moved to France 2 and a half months ago. Here is a message from my 11-year-old son Joseph:

Hello Roxy,

I was scared as well before I moved to France. I was worried about

losing all my friends in England, and also I was worried about what

school would be like in France. I hardly knew any French when we moved


I started school at the beginninf of January, so I've had about 6

weeks. I'm in a primary school, my year is called CM2, which is the

last year of primary school. I first visited the school before

Christmas with my Mum and Dad and sister (aged 8) - the headteacher was

really nice and friendly and showed us round the school and introduced

us to our classes. My teacher is called Monsieur Galipot. He is really

nice. Nearly all the teachers can speak a bit of English so they can

help you to understand what you need to do. In class, I do some work

with the other children (like maths for example), and then some of the

time if they are doing complicated stuff in French, I either go on the

computer or I go through some French language worksheets with Monsieur

Galipot or with another child. Monsieur Galipot is also giveing me and

my sister some extra French lessons a couple of times each week.

I was worried at first about making friends. There are about 350 kids

in the school, and my sister and I are the only foreign kids. But in

fact, all the other kids in my class thought it was really cool to have

an English classmate. They all wanted to try out their English on me. I

have quite a few mates now, and my sister has made lots of friends in

her class too. Even though we don't speak much French yet, we can

manage to play lots of games like tig or football etc.

I have been able to keep in touch with lots of my friends in England by

using MSN and also hotmail. If you don't have MSN yet it would be a

very good idea to get it - my dad says broadband is cheaper in France

than England as well.

Hope that makes you feel a bit better. I am not near Cahors - we live

in Montivilliers in Normandy (near Le Havre) - but if you have any

questions please ask away! (Although I won't be able to reply for a few

days as I'm going for my first visit back to England this afternoon and

am coming back next Tuesday. We have two weeks holiday in February!)

All the best,

Joseph Grayson

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Hi Roxy

I was 9 when I moved to france and I am now 13 but I wouldn't worry if I were you because french schools are ok, french people are really nice(they make great cakes![^]) and the weather is awesome. It will be quite hard when you first get here but after a couple of months you will start to get used to the different language and stuff, but you will be lucky as your not going straight to college but instead going to cm1or 2 like I did so you will get used to school.


from Alex 

p.s sorry but i don't live in cahors i live in the Aude near Carccassone.

p.p.s e-mail me if you want to ask any questions

p.p.p.s don't worry[:D]


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Hi Roxy,

My name is Jonathan and moved to France 6 months ago. Before we came here I was also really nervous because I was entering a new and different lifestyle and being away from my friends but once I got here it was a lot easier than I thought. The people are really friendly and don't worry about your language problems. Also, school is a lot easier than your would most probably expect. Being at school every day make the language easier. To be fair there is really nothing to worry about. And the food is really great to.I would also like to say that you might get lessons in school because of your language like me (I have 4 hours a week!)

All the best


P.S I also don't live in Cahors. Sorry![;)]

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Hi Joseph

Thanks for the advice. I've just been to france for a week. I really enjoyed it, I made  friends with a girl nearby who is at our school. We managed to communicate, she's really nice. We bought a bed and some new things to leave in my bedroom. It's quite exciting. I'm still have french lessons. So I'am getting better.


love from Roxy!

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