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derogation for college


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 Our daughter is due to move on to college in September after 4 happy years at a local village school.  We are keen that she avoids taking English, rather that she should take German as LV1 and then Spanish as LV2.  The "college du secteur" offers only English and Spanish, but in a nearby town one college does offer German and Spanish.  We read on the French government education website that a derogation can be given if a certain language isn't taught in the "college du secteur", and choice of foreign language is specifically mentioned, but on contacting the office of the inspecteur I was told categorically that our daughter MUST go to the secteur college and take Spanish LV1 as this is the language she has learned at primary school...............the lady was emphatic that I had no grounds to ask for a derogation. 

 Does anyone know if we do have any rights in this matter, and what if any obligations the education department has to us?

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I have heard that pupils must continue at collège with the languge they did at primaire, but I've never seen the actual text. But at the same time, my collège has german LV1 and it was only taught in one of the local primary schools. There are pupils in the german class this year who went to different primary schools, didn't do German and aren't in our zone de recrutement. So I would take what your being told with a fair amount of salt and give the link TU gave you a try. Remember that fonctionnaires aren't always very good with things they aren't sure about and tend to give you a catagoric answer based on what they feel and not on facts. I would also try to meet the principal of the collège you are hoping for to discuss your reasons with him/her. He/she will know if they have already had pupils in that situation.


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My children were taken out of english lessons in 4eme and given extra french to do in preparation for their brêvets. We didn't ask for this,the principal rang and asked me to come and see him and both benefitted really well and passed their english tests top of the class anyway. As for languages other than french and english, we werenot allowed to remove our son from Spanish for further french, no one in his class enjoyed spanish because the teacher was a miserable old cow with a chip like the size of  france on her shoulder and took it out on the kids if they got anything wrong, hence they were all too scared to ask questions if they didn't understand.
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You are ABSOLUTELY within your rights.

The language taught in primary school is in no way a requirement for the first year of collège. Whoever you talked to was just trying to manipulate you and exercise power.

Parents can request a dérogation based on choice of LV1. The website given above is also very useful. Have someone French, preferably with higher-level skills (ie., French teacher who's a friend of yours for example), review your letter. It must sound PERFECT, conveying certainty and elegance.

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