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Child minding


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Hi there,

All depends on a whole load of things, full or part time, private or state, day or evening, regular hours or ad hoc.

In our neck of the woods it can cost  anything from under a euro an hour to 15 euros an hour as state child minding is heavily subsidised (if you pay in to the french system), and private enterprise is expensive!

If you can be a bit more specific I could probably narrow it down a bit as I did lots of research before choosing the creche familial which is  a child minder (assistant maternelle) employed by the mairie.


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Our childminder charges euro 1.89 net per hour per child. On top of this there is a flat 'maintainance of home' charge of 2.65 per day. On top of these amounts, if you do it legally with a registered childminder, you pay approximately 50% again as cotisations to the URSSAF. You are in fact classed as the childminder's employer, so you pay employer's cotisations and you also pay employee's cotisations (because the 1.89 is the net wage not the gross, so you are paying her social security contributions for her). Then we pay 2.15 per meal and 1.20 per gouter (snack). Finally, you pay an extra10% of her net salary per year as holiday pay. This is all laid out in the 'convention collective' for childminders, as is what to do if your child is sick, if you go away on holiday, etc.

I think the 1.89 is the minimum under the convention, or close to it. The childminder can set a higher rate if she wants to. We are in a rural area, it may well be more in the towns.



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Thanks for both your answers.

the plan is to look after a friends' two kids from 5 to 7.30 two evenings a week, therefore giving them tea and helping with homework.

I think I'll have to go down the cheque-d'emploi route as I'm not registered with anyone and I've no career plans in this direction. My friend is doing a course next year and needs a helping hand, as a one off no pay would be involved but as a regular thing for a year we need to come to some arrangement so neither of us feel exploited.

thanks for any further advice
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