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Work experience 4eme


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My son's class is due to do work experience soon and has brought home a raft of forms to be filled out. My question is: is it my job to line up somewhere for him to do his work experience or the schools?. Most of this paperwork is legal jargon.
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Yes according to my experience. It's up to you and your son to try and find some local entreprise that will take him for the duration of the stage. Normally if you are unable to find somewhere then the school will arrange for him to go to La Poste or LeClerc for instance.

My daughter spent a week with a home decorating business and my son spent a week with a computer shop - in both cases they, with my help, approached the businesses concerned. While they were on their stage they took photos to supplement their write-up that they had to do for their College.

Edit: as this is a regular thing every year most businesses expect the rush of 4eme parents/children looking for a place - so the sooner you ask the more likely he is to get accepted.

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That's brilliant so thanks for the help. We have a well known museum close by and he is keen to try there and thought about McDo's as well seeing as my son is the type that needs to be kept busy. His bored-o-meter has a low setting [:)]
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The children here do it  in 3eme  as every school locally is looking for the same week it is really difficult,  we start looking in Sept for December and they all say they have no places left.   4eme is even younger children so it would be difficult to get into restaurants etc as insurance is an issue.   We have found that most children get something through a family relative so ask around people you know.  It would be lovely to get into something you are interested in but realistically as is everywhere , its not what you know but who you know!    My son worked at the small local cinema where he learned to work the reels for the films, designed the following months programme etc,  so try small companies as they have more time to actually let the kids get involved.  But the experience of writing up a CV and letter of motivation is all good experience.

Good Luck


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Hi Lollie,

thanks for that advice. Actually we are looking at places that are 'unusual' rather than the norm. We have the museum of prehistory on our list as well as one of the FM radio stations in town as well. We have received a raft of forms from the school in triplicate - what do I do with them?. I assume one is for me, one for the school and one for the employer he is placed with...is that correct?. I discounted the cinema at first but shall try there as well.

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Yes once he has been offered a stage, the company complete the forms, the headmaster signs and you as parents sign.  A copy for each.   Then sometime during the week, a teacher will visit the place where he is working.  Your son will complete a daily diary and at the end the employer  will complete an assesment.

Here if they dont find anything they end up in the school canteen (no not on the plate!!!)   embarassing though!!



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