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French youth unemployment


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I think you will find you said ...quote "I hope there is plenty of woodwork that needs doing in your area. I only personally know of one B&B in France that has near full occupancy pretty much all year round and that one is right near to Disneyland Paris. They only close at Xmas for a couple of days." unquote.  You also said...quote "There are many successful B&B's in France," unquote.  So you did contradict yourself.    I've worked out the reason you are so aggressive and curt on here, its because you are trying for 360 days of the year to be someone other than yourself.     Never mind, you are having the entire Christmas period off so you might come back in the New Year with some new resolution to be nice and give a civil word for a change......maybe a bit of encouragement to someone just starting up in the business might not go amiss either.
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[quote user="Scooby"]

I have not accused you of being bored.  I stated that my french neighbour frequently tells me that she is bored and that one of the reasons I wouldn't wish to live in France permanently is that I, personally, would be bored.  Life in rural France is not a whirl of excitement and anyone contemplating a move to rural France should be aware of that.  You are very fortunate to have so many things to do in your area - though if you are in deepest rural France I would be interested to know how long it takes you to travel to participate in some of these activities? As an aside you are probably aware from my previous posts that I would be unable to do most of the things you mentioned as I am disabled.

Edit: I don't think I've ever seen any drunken youths near our home in the UK.  One of the villagers did, however, lose their son to a heroin overdose.  Apparently he died in the downstairs bedroom of our house in France at a time when the house was unoccupied.  There are drunks, drug addicts and violence in a lot of countries - including France.


I live about 10 minutes from a larg(ish) town and that's where most of the activity takes place aside for horse riding, walking whihc I can do from home and the keep fit which is in the village (2km).

Of course there are drunks and drug takers all over the world and plenty in France, but I was referring to the pub to pub walking the streets type drunkeness, in France if you see someone out in our town after about 10 you would be surprised, in the UK in a similar sized town it would be heaving (literally) from 9pm till 3am with people the worse for a few drinks.  I should know I used to be one of them on a regular basis and still am on occasion!  I wasn't trying to say one was better we were comparing boring situations between the two I think and I said that nowadays I prefer the peace (most of the time)

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As I already said Bugbear - my (French) neighbour complains she is bored and I would be bored - that doesn't mean everyone would be.  Everyone is different.  My gran used to watch the same episode of Dad's Army over and over again and think it was hysterical every time. Some people think Eastenders and Coronation Street are great entertainment - personally I loath them both.  Each to his own...

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[quote user="Scooby"][quote user="Panda "]

I live about 10 minutes from a larg(ish) town


So you're not in 'deepest rural France'

That would depend on your difiniton of rural, I live in the middle of 20 acres of my own land, mostly woodland, I have 1 neighbour who is about 800 metres away, no others.  It's a very rural area I assure you.


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[quote user="Albert the InfoGipsy"]

Panda <I live about 10 minutes from a larg(ish) town >

Rural, maybe, but not 'la France profonde'. In some areas you have to drive further than that to get to a village with a single shop.


[quote user="Scooby"]

Life for a woman in rural France is pretty awful - unless you are the kind who has a very high boredom  threshold and delights in looking after everyone else - happy with no life of their own.

I was responding originally to Scooby's post, he specialises in making sweeping statements like this so we are comparing rural with rural (in fact his rural is less so than mine he says he has a city 20 minutes away), my use of the term deepest france has obviously brought out the semantic police, my point remains that life for a woman in rural france  is not  'pretty awful'  for everyone and no I do not have a high boredom threshold, but I do have a life, something you might want to think about [:P]! 

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4JAJM (still a pain to write). Let me explain...'near full occupancy all year round' is quite a different thing to 'many successful B&B's in France'. 'Successful' may mean a variety of things...from a great summer season, to guests who return year after year. 'Near full occupancy all year round' simply means a full house pretty much when most of us are B&B'ers/hoteliers are shivering in the winter and waiting for the spring/summer to bring business again to our doors. And another thing; we B&B/hotel owners very often have to be something 'other than ourselves'. Whether we feel ill, tired or exhausted, we still have to put on a [:)] face for our guests. No matter how we feel. So yes, at times we are being 'some one other than ourselves'. It's called 'business'.

I am having the 'entire Xmas period off' because I have chosen to. My family deserve it. We are going south to Valencia for Xmas this year and hope to be wearing t-shirts on Xmas Day, rather than stoking the fireplace here and spending a fortune on heating. I say 'hopefully'. We usually close for Xmas day/boxing day anyway.

Antonia...yes, on my blog I have spoken about how active many of the villagers are, male and female. Those who still WORK that it is. That is the baker, the tabac owner, and the man who delivers the gas bottles around the village. He is quite old and still keeps going. A shame other 'retired' men there cannot find something just as worthwhile to do all day except play boules. And sit. And smoke. But they seem happy enough, so good luck to them.

We all know that the women never retire...as in all cultures.

If 4JAJM wishes to consult the archives here he/she/it will find that I have contributed muchly to various forums here with many a civil word in between. May I suggest one thing to you for a new years resolution?...find a more practical forum name for yourself. Something nice and cuddly[:P].

Nice to know some have visited my blog though![:)].





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[quote user="Bugbear"]

Crikey, that is boring.

You've never done the 'chasing around the woods naked' or the famous ritual with the male chicken then ?

Now, where's me stick with the feathers on................................[Www]


Oh please, I just need a great pic for my blog...where do you live BB and let me know when you get your hands on a male chook next. One thing though...it's a bit cold now isn't it?...[:D].

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[quote user="Jura"]

4JAJM (still a pain to write). Let me explain...'near full occupancy all year round' is quite a different thing to 'many successful B&B's in France'. 'Successful' may mean a variety of things...from a great summer season, to guests who return year after year. 'Near full occupancy all year round' simply means a full house pretty much when most of us are B&B'ers/hoteliers are shivering in the winter and waiting for the spring/summer to bring business again to our doors. And another thing; we B&B/hotel owners very often have to be something 'other than ourselves'. Whether we feel ill, tired or exhausted, we still have to put on a [:)] face for our guests. No matter how we feel. So yes, at times we are being 'some one other than ourselves'. It's called 'business'.

I am having the 'entire Xmas period off' because I have chosen to. My family deserve it. We are going south to Valencia for Xmas this year and hope to be wearing t-shirts on Xmas Day, rather than stoking the fireplace here and spending a fortune on heating. I say 'hopefully'. We usually close for Xmas day/boxing day anyway.

Antonia...yes, on my blog I have spoken about how active many of the villagers are, male and female. Those who still WORK that it is. That is the baker, the tabac owner, and the man who delivers the gas bottles around the village. He is quite old and still keeps going. A shame other 'retired' men there cannot find something just as worthwhile to do all day except play boules. And sit. And smoke. But they seem happy enough, so good luck to them.

We all know that the women never retire...as in all cultures.

If 4JAJM wishes to consult the archives here he/she/it will find that I have contributed muchly to various forums here with many a civil word in between. May I suggest one thing to you for a new years resolution?...find a more practical forum name for yourself. Something nice and cuddly[:P].

Nice to know some have visited my blog though![:)].




Jura - I would say you sure are splitting hairs with your meaning of the word successful.     Hav'nt we all had 'business" heads on in our working lives, but it does'nt mean we have to be curt and blunt when off-duty.   A smile, a kind word costs nothing.  You think you are being gracious and kindly by opening your post with "47AJM a pain to write".    Do you begin your business letters "Dear Mrs. Punter (what a pain that is to write), thankyou for your booking"...not quite right eh?  I have read  the archives and you are curt many times when you need'nt be.     I'm quite happy with my pseudo and if it gets up your nose I'm pleased.     Can I suggest one thing to you for a new year's resolution?   Get a different mindset and spread a bit of the goodwill you supposedly give your guests to the rest of us.

PS I hav'nt visited your blog.




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[quote user="Jura"]

47Ablah-blah-blah...whatever. Have a very merry and SUCCESSFUL Xmas[:D][:D][:D]



Now did'nt the blah-blah-blah take longer to type? C'mon admit it.    Knew you'd come around to say something nice in the end.

MC and HNY 2u2 (thats speedwriting, but I can do shorthand too if you wish).

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[quote user="Jura"]Pitman, Grieg or Summerhayes shorthand mon ami?.[/quote]

Pitman.....to be my ami you have to be nice, remain nice, not be rude or curt to others, you can state your opinion, but remember other's have theirs too, and always remember there are no right and wrong opinions, just opinions.     You will find its a much easier life that way.

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