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Paying ones way through University


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I think the latter!! I have one at Uni (and another about to go) and I find the Bourse is adequate (with a little help towards some bills). Student housing isn't that expensive and help is available to reduce the rent for students.

With a little careful money management and a not extravagant lifestyle, students can manage.

OK us parents have to help out but everything is means tested and bourses awarded accordingly. I cannot believe that this young lady had NO help from the state. With her parents on the minimum wages she would have been given some assistance!



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Like Lucinda I strongly doubt that if her parents are on minimum wages the student is getting no bourse at all.  Bourses are actually quite generous and though it's said that the full bourse is only payable to those who earn a very low wage there are masses of allowances and factors to set against your income before they start working it out. 

I know Paris is a particular problem because of the cost of accomodation but Laura D would at the very least be getting aid from the state towards the cost of her rent (2 of mine in student accomodation get 60 euros a month towards rent of 120 euros a month, the third who is in a studio flat gets 150 euros towards a rent of 350 euros.)  Outside Paris student life isn't terribly expensive, my eldest is fine on her bourse of 2600 euros plus 40 euros a weekend from working Sunday mornings in the local market - the only help we give her is paying her rent.  All her friends have part time jobs and don't seem to have any difficulty in finding them.

The costings quoted for the price of student life seemed to be pretty strange too, apart from the fact that my daughters wouldn't dream of drinking beer, it's coke or wine, they pay 4 euros a year towards the cost of their tuition, a reduced rate because they're boursiers true, but the full rate is I believe something around 120 euros - not the £1300 quoted in that article.

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You've got to wonder why she wasn't living with her parents if she was living in the same city as them as the article says. That would have solved the rent problem. And Joanna is right, it is about 130 euros then you need to find about another 150 euros for your health care for the year (your social security) if you aren't attached to somebody elses.  Lots of students I knew lived with their parents and those who didn't had the grants and also the APL the housing benefit.

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