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General cost of living in France compaired to England ?

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I have a video copy of the Channel 4 programme in question. It is called 'French Affair' and was made in 1992. It centres around the small bastide town of Eymet in the south of 24 where I lived for 5 years in late 80's. I knew most of the people who took part in the programme. They were pioneers setting a trend which proved a flood. Eymet is now like Guildford without the traffic! I am told 3,000 UK families own property there now in the immediate area with 3 English estate agents, an English grocer, an English pub, an English computer shop etc, etc. All incidentally struggling to survive despite some appearances to the contrary.

I still have friends there and as far as I know the only remaining couple still there are the solicitor and his family who integrated very well.

I guess that the only relevant point about this film and to this post is that there is nothing new under the sun. Most British people who move to France without an income or substantial capital eventually fail. They fail because their dreams are out of sink to the reality and they tire of the struggle to survive. France is a wonderful place to live but so is Barbados or anywhere else that is superficially attractive. To enjoy life anywhere you need to be economically secure. Live where that's possible first then enjoy the fruits of your labour. Sadly there really is no other short cut.
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[quote]So Nigel I know someone who you can do your program about............. YOU! That is how you started this post, about moving here....... so why not do it. I would watch, especially as you ...[/quote]

I think Nigel should go and work in B and Q to fund his film maker apirations! They like the older man there!
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Hi Nigel numbers. This is my experience. It may or may not help. Sold everything last year. Came over with wife and dog in our second hand caravan with less than 55000 E . First ever visit to France and no language, no qualifications. 5 months later we moved into a small just habitable house with 2.5 acres of land in the country 2kilos from a small town in Normandy. Bought a French computer and Found a job on the internet. Have French freinds, basic conversational French. Cost of living is similar to UK but you have more oppertunity to make it cheaper. On reflection what we did was bonkers. Would we go back. Not a chance. Forget immobiliers, head for Notaires, some are bad more are good. Live simple, live French.
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Hi !

I understand the original poster has probably changed his mind now about moving to France, but I just wanted to say that I agree with one poster (sorry can't see authors' names ) who suggested to rent rather than buy straight away. The rents are definitely lower than in the UK from my experience (being in Essex, not too far from London, might also explain why my rent is so ridiculously expensive ). I come from Provence, near Marseille, and although not a cheap place compared to some rural places, the rents are nothing compared to the UK. Renting would enable you to try and find a job with a bit less pressure and more time (and you will need it !).

That said, I wanted to point out that, regarding your wife's job, she has to be aware that teaching music in France could not be that easy as we use a different system from yours. A, B, C, D... becoming la, si, do, ré, mi etc... It might take a while to get used to it.

Best of luck

French Kat in England

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I would just like to say that I wish you well on your venture for a home!

From some of the answers it must all seem pointless moving to France? Well were are in the same boat across the channel as yourself and we have found no end of property on your budget. The cost of living is cheaper & the weather is nicer. The people are friendly and always ( well nearly always!) willing to guide you through the maze of the lingo.

It is something that you think long and hard about before you do it so its not as if you would go into this blindly.

I just wanted to give a few words of encouragement before you take on the might of the move!

Bon Chance!!!

Niki & Rich ( Limousin )
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[quote]This is my first post here so forgive me if it is not quite in the right place.My wife and I have been giving serious thought to moving to France. We currently live about 20 west of Cambridge/England ...[/quote]

Nick was dead right in his reply. France is a fantastic place to retire to but not to work in as it is very hard even for French people to find work and wages are well down (have been informed that office workers in Toulouse get as little as £8,000 a year).

We were lucky. We bought a house 2 years ago and could buy a small completely refurbed 800 year old house in a gorgeous village (Lauzerte)for the sort of price that you quoted, but since then prices in our region (Tarn and Garonne) have more than doubled. Plus you need to add on estate agents' fees and notaires' fees which are considerably higher than in England and the buyer pays them!

Food is cheaper if you buy seasonal produce. Water is more expensive and is metered. Electricity is more expensive, but also the standing charges for all services bills tend to be much higher than England. So that, if like us, you are here only half the year you still pay a high cost even if the amount you use is small. Diesel is about half that of England.

You could only learn French in a year if you are permanently paying someone to teach you on a daily basis and you are exceptionally talented linguistically. You cannot magically learn a language functionally without a lot of hard work. Even then you will be constantly thrown by local slang and dialect

Ignore all those programmes in England claiming how easy it is to start a new life in France - they are fiction.

Having said that, I so love this place that I wish that we had done it years ago.

I would have taken the risk.

All the best

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote]I agree totally, however I personally am not a fat-cat, I'm low-budget independent. I have managed to get a few things broadcast over the years. I think somebody should put these tacky fake TV program...[/quote]

That all sounds interesting, so long as you are not Nigel from Nigel and Nippy.


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