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Summer job's for students


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Does anyone know of  any websites or paper's that summer job's might be advertised in. My friend has a bi-lingual daughter of 16 and is looking for something for the summer. They live in Toulouse. She is also looking for a patron to start an apprenticeship in September. Any advice or experience wih this would be very appreciated. My friends daughter hasn't been offered much career advice Is their anything available like that here? It's a bit of a minefield for them. Thanks


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Can't help with actual jobs BUT just a word of advice. Your friend's daughter should get authorisation from her Lycee to work over the summer. We fell foul of this a few years ago when our son found himself a summer job only to be asked two days later for his authorisation. When he couldn't produce one (the Lycees were all closed by then) he was told he couldn't continue to work legally.

What sort of apprenticeship is she looking for? Is it in catering or what?



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Thanks for that. She has actually finished her education at college and isn't going to the lycee. She's free to work full time. The problem is that most companies don't employ people who are under the age of 18. That is why she's looking for an apprenticeship. She would like to be in retail beauty or clothes. I don't know how difficult this will be to find. Any suggestions would be grateful. Things are certainly different here to the Uk.

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My son works at Macdonalds every summer since he was 16,  its is the only company here we have found that will take students at 16. The good thing is under 18 they cannot work later than 9.30pm so he never got late shifts.   It is all done professionally, they get a number from CPAM, set up a bank account for their salary to be paid into and get paid SMIC less 20%.   Cotisations are deducted direct, and they do not pay income tax if they work only during  the suumer   months of July and August, but that may be different if she is not going back to Lycee.  

We live in a town that takes on  1000'S of seasonal workers and at the employment fair MacDo was the only one to officially take on sudents under 18. He was never asked for authorisation from Lycee,   just a CV and Letter of Motivation, which he still has to provide this summer, his third season.  What a life, morning shirf, down the the beach for a few hours then back for late afternoon shift, then on to the nightclub, oh to be young again!!!


Good Luck.  


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