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French books for a 9 year old.


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Pretty much the same question as asked in the "French books for a teenager" thread.

We have a 9 year old boy who delights in "reading" B.Ds and non-fictional works, but he seems unwilling to move on to French fiction.  As an interim measure we've tried translated works ( e.g. Harry Potter, Roald Dahl) but we are struggling to find anything genuinely French that will capture his attention. Can anyone suggest any authors and/or titles? 


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  • 2 weeks later...

You will be wanting books that are not French translations of English versions...?

Go to Amazon France - I cannot at this stage recommend any authors as my son is only 6 and reading from the Ecole Maternelle books distributed to him - but you need books by French authors, not English one's translated into French.

Good luck

Edit: Here are some authors which might provide food for thought...I would suggest avoiding at all costs the French-Canadian authors purely for the fact that they speak an odd and different type of 'French' ( old-stuck-in-the-past-french ) - just ask the local French here themselves...

But try these guys for measure...

* Flavia Bujor

* Marcel Ayme

* Cecile de Brunhoff

* Rene Guillot

* Claude Violier

* Xavier Armange

Hope that helps you...do you not have a local library though...?


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  • 2 weeks later...

That's okay, 'irrelevance' is my middle name.

No, I am nowhere near it. Although I love that particular region.

My name comes from an isle that produces a wonderful bottled product by the same name...

A guest brought some last year and shared it [;-)].  Such laughs! [:$]

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Failing that, try Amazon France. We are actually concentrating on english books for our three and six year old right now as we want to establish english as their first language. But we throw in the french books too for good measure.[:)]
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My 9 year old daughter loves the Max et Lilli series and also Tom tom et Nana.

They are comic strip books and you can get them in all children sections at your local library.  The Max et Lilli series are particularly good in that they deal with awkward moments in a young childs life like being shy or having a crush or going to the dentist, divorce etc. 


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