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A happy afternoon, to hear that our neighbour's grandson (the eldest grandchild of umpteen) has passed his Bac and can now proceed to further education.  Family ecstatic.

I've tried to understand the process from them, but to be honest, I don't think that they completely understand how it all works. Thus, I'd be really interested to know:

  • With the results out so quickly, is much of the final result based on coursework?
  • If there is a final exam, is it teacher-assessed?
  • The news is that he has 'passed' - but presumably there's some kind of grading, otherwise how would the better institutions differentiate between candidates?  The local 'rag' just talks in terms of "reussi".

Any insight gratefully received.

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[quote user="Gardian"]

A happy afternoon, to hear that our neighbour's grandson (the eldest grandchild of umpteen) has passed his Bac and can now proceed to further education.  Family ecstatic.

I've tried to understand the process from them, but to be honest, I don't think that they completely understand how it all works. Thus, I'd be really interested to know:

  • With the results out so quickly, is much of the final result based on coursework?

  • If there is a final exam, is it teacher-assessed?

  • The news is that he has 'passed' - but presumably there's some kind of grading, otherwise how would the better institutions differentiate between candidates?  The local 'rag' just talks in terms of "reussi".

Any insight gratefully received.


Depending on the Bac you do depends on how much course work you have included and also how many exams you sit this year as opposed to last year. For instance Bac S (science) only took French (written and Oral) and TPE (personal project work) in Premier and the rest of their exams in Terminale - If you took Bac L (literature) you sat French, TPE, and several other subjects in Premier and only had 4 exams for Terminal. Hence why Bac S is seen as the hardest as the sutudents have four days in which to sit seven exams!!! 

The exams are marked by Juries - the papers are sent to the Jury marking the exam - the student only knows their Jury number and the Jury only knows the student number so it's anonymous.

Grading - if you get 10/20 you have passed - 12.01/20-14/20 Mention Assez Bien 14.01/20- 16/20 Mention Bien 16.01/20-18/20 Mention Tres Bien 18.01/20-20/20 Mention Excellent

Those that get between 8/20 and 9.99/20 pass into the second group and their papers are reassessed and the sutudent is seen to find out if there are any reasons why they did not perform well on exam days (illness etc.)

That's how it's works at the moment but they are looking to include a little more coursework in future years?



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Depends on Academy Rose as to how many exams are sat in Terminale. All the subjects have differing co-efficients depending on your Bac series. That can get very complicated to someone who just wants to know the basics.



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Well just because I am feeling proud,  my son arrived here in 4eme with no french, he has just passed his BAC S with a mention assez bien.   So all is possible I cant say he had a great determination,  the answer for him was to let all the negative comments often thrown at him from the teachers go over his head, and revise the night before, if the footie was not on!!!   So uni here we come and move over Gary Lineker.


Lollie 44



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Yes, as a teacher I say " congratulations " !!

The bac is a real institution in France.

No one mentioned the bac ES, which is also one of the Bac généraux. ( Economique et Social).

I passed several  exams and competitive exams in my life, but the one that impressed me most was the bac.

In my school, on results day, the teachers go to the school in order to be able to see the students jump out of joy , or be able to give advice to the ones who have to go to the oral ( second tour) .

It 's a very special day.



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[quote user="Frenchie"]

No one mentioned the bac ES, which is also one of the Bac généraux. ( Economique et Social).


Formerly the BAC B as gained by Nicolas Sarkozy at the oral de rattrapage I believe.

Our daughter who we're very pleased and proud to say has just passed her BAC ES (without l'oral de rattrapage [:)]) popped that in her UK university application to spice it up. 93% of géneraux candidates from her excellent lycee that has a reputation for working their students beyond the requirements, also passed.


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Well, please send her my congratulations.

The bac ES is among the most difficult ones because the coefficients are about all the same.

So you have to be ok in the vast majority of topics.

I jut loved my Terminale ES students last year. They were just great students.



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