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Maternelle school helping with english


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I need help to find some very simple nursery rhymes in English for our village maternelle school.  My boys left home donkey's years ago so I am out of touch and the ones I remember seem a little too advanced.

Any ideas



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Thanks for the websites I shall start researching. 

The class had just caught some frogs and they were sitting in a nice big pot, ( no not the kids) so I got the frog book out.  I did not go as far to show them my tongue catching the flies , which is my sort of humour, but it did occur to me.  They are so sweet and well behaved, what a dream job in France.  A far cry from old job!


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My daughter helped out in an ecole maternelle last term.  She did "Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" with them as it repeats words, the actions are fun and they learn parts of the body at the same time.


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  • 2 months later...
Sunshine, I have taught English voluntarily at the village maternelle for the past 4 years (initially to help my son integrate) this was my last year as I am due to have another baby myself at the end of August...however, the two "nursery rhymes" I have found most popular with the 3, 4 & 5 year olds are "5 fat sausages" (it's short, easy to remember, makes them laugh - hold up a sausage picture if neccessary) and "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands" again, a great one for learning body parts and this age group seem to love the physical involvement - as they learn the original words you can adapt it a bit too to help them learn new words.  Good luck. (children shout "hello, sausages" to me whenever I see them!!)
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