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A'Levels or BAC?


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I note that a poster above queries that UK universities might not accept a Bac.

This is not so -  many of the UK's top schools now offer the Bac, and the best  universities  eg.  the Russell Group do accept the Bac. Perhaps it is even welcomed, or preferred by them!

I have a colleague whose daughter is doing the Bac at a local LEA (county council) college and she has an interview for Cambridge university.  And,  she left a grammar school  which cannot afford to offer the Bac(in the top 50) to do the Bac at a local LEA college.

 It seems to me that without a degree from  one of these universities it will prove hard to get a half-decent job.  It's more than silly that the UK gov'ment wants 50% of school leavers to go a 'university'.   And this is the origin of the results inflation, and the move to the Bac.

In any case, the Bac is a far more rounded and well-balanced qualification, and its results are respected.   GCSE & A levels  have at present results that are quite silly.

The latest results showed as many as 99% in some schools getting  A/A*   !  And most of the top hundred LEA schools with well over 50%, most above 60%.   This makes no sense at all.    This is not happening with the Bac or the IB.



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