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OECD rankings: both France and the UK slipping behind


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Another poster on an alternative French Forum, has made an interesting point in that it is the dismal performance of Wales that has dragged down the UK average. If you look at England on its own, its rankings are actually quite good and well ahead of most other European countries, especially in Science, where even the UK as a whole is well ahead of France.
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There is also a huge disparity across the school spectrum with some state schools (in affluent areas) performing as well if not better than private schools.  Conversely, some schools in sink estate areas, have abysmal results - the latter not helped by staffing issues.  It also seems to have become commonplace, in those schools where recruitment is a problem, to employ non-qualified staff to teach (or should I say 'baby sit') for the duration of the period. As the schools with 'recruitment issues' are usually those with 'challenging' pupils and less than satisfactory results it would seem to be a vicious downhill spiral.

It would be interesting to see the sampling.

Mrs R51

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[quote user="Sprogster"]Another poster on an alternative French Forum, has made an interesting point in that it is the dismal performance of Wales that has dragged down the UK average. If you look at England on its own, its rankings are actually quite good and well ahead of most other European countries, especially in Science, where even the UK as a whole is well ahead of France.[/quote]

Does that mean that only some parts of the UK should be included?  Surely the point of an average is that the rough and the smooth are taken together...

I have to admit a sneaking sympathy for the Welsh Science students. Imagine Quantum theory in Welsh...

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