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hi, its a long time since ive been on this forum,

i know i should do a search etc for the info, but its all too confusing (still suffering from sat night party !)

basically , will someone explain please,

if the C de S has been discontinued, is there still a  limit for the amount of time you can live in france and the needing to prove you have enough money to live on etc ,

has it become like the uk so you can move in and claim everything going etc ?

thank you


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As far as I know, you can come here to live but you can't claim everything going until you have worked for a certain number of hours.

I think people in real difficulties can get food from the Catholic Charities/Resto de la Coeur etc., but someone will know more than me.

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As long as you are an EU National you can live and work in France freely. As for benefits, that is very different in that you must have either worked here for a set period first or else signed on with ASSEDIC and the ANPE and have attended interviews that are compulsory to receive anything from and then not for a set period of time. France is not the place to come to seek free benefits,people work hard here and pay for those who don't,thus the system in place to make sure skivers are shown the door. Remember too that unemployment is a lot higher here than the UK and in some rural areas, there is just no work at all and then only the SMIC rate.
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