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UK M.O.T. runs out whilst in France?


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Has anybody had experience of UK M.O.T. running out whilst staying in France. Our trips have been long ones i.e. over 3 months stay and I'm trying to foresee what may crop up while we are away. Or is it illegal to be without an M.O.T. on your UK registered vehicle in France?
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>Has anybody had experience of UK
>M.O.T. running out whilst staying
>in France. Our trips have
>been long ones i.e. over
>3 months stay and I'm
>trying to foresee what may
>crop up while we are
>away. Or is it illegal
>to be without an M.O.T.
>on your UK registered vehicle
>in France?

I suspect that this is a grey area (it has been discussed many times before). e.g. Our Clio is UK registered, but the tax expired in December & the MOT ran out in March. We can't get it MOT'd (because we are not returning to the UK). It is insured in France (on it's Brit plates). The insurance Co just tells us to get a CT & re-register it within the next 12 months, not having an MOT does not interest them.

I guess your situation is different because you intend to take the car "home". The only driving you can do in the UK without an MOT is to the nearest (empahsis on the nearest) MOT test centre for a pre-arranged test. I doubt if you would get nicked if you decided to drive to your UK base - but (and maybe) your insurance could be invalid with no MOT - with everything that implies. Best, and probably the only solution, as others have suggested, get a new MOT before you leave.

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