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Car Sickness


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Since moving to France both of our children now suffer from car sickness or more accurately car nausea! I don't know why, maybe because we don't have 'luxury' cars anymore that give a nice smooth ride or maybe because of the windy roads around here.

Any way, 2 questions:

1. Can anyone recommend a product to stop the feeling of nausea for children aged 6 and 10 that is available in France

2. At what age can a child sit in the front passenger seat of a car (legally!). I think that this may help the older one especially, being able to see straight ahead and not at the countryside whizzing sideways past and having the air vents nearer to his face.

It would have been nice to have a few trips out during this holiday but every car journey, no matter how short is accompanied by "I feel sick" so any suggestions to help would be very welcome
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My son has always suffered from this both in cars and coaches. You can get tablets from the pharmacy that are both for sea sickness (mal de mer) and car travel nausea.They will ask you for the children's ages to dispense the correct type normally. The age for front seat passengers is 10 here and if you are caught with a child under that age,you the driver will be fined and lose points as they are very strict on it.
Happy motoring and don't forget those plastic bags to protect your interior,we used to nick those paper ones off the ferries and keep a pile in the car.
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Poor Kids - I know how they feel! I have suffered the same ever since I was a baby and I am now about to be a grany myself! Up until recent years I have had to take pills on every journey then discovered the travel bands. I can now travel on the ferry, car, airplane etc without taking pills, which is great because you don't arrive at the destination feeling drowsy. Since moving to France I carry a set in the car and have been know to put them on to go 10k down the road if I am not driving! Not sure if you can buy them in France as I got mine from Boots in the UK - Maybe you have someone who could send you some out.

Happy traveling!

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I suffer very badly from motion sickness. The best and most natural product I have found are ginger capsules, the ones with the ground ginger. You can get them from any health food store.
I sometimes take them in conjunction with strong peppermint sweets or chewing gum. I have not tried it but anything with ginger in it like pop or crystallised ginger would probably have the same effect.
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