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Buying a LHD car


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We are moving near to Domfront (61) in July. We want to look for a second hand LHD car in the UK. I have noted the message from Lagaragiste, and will follow that up but can anyone recommend a UK dealer selling LHD cars further South, i.e. East Anglia, home counties etc.

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Don't forget that you will need to re-register the car once in France. I believe costs can vary according to the car you choose and in some cases these costs can be considerable so doing your homework first would be my advice. You will also incur the cost of a Controle Technique (French MOT) another 55 euros since your MOT will become invalid when re-registering. Also if you insure it in the UK, once you bring it to France, many UK insurance companies will want to discontinue the insurance often with a penalty involved.
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LAST EDITED ON 20-May-04 AT 07:32 PM (BST)

LAST EDITED ON 20-May-04 AT 07:31PM (BST)

LAST EDITED ON 20-May-04 AT 07:29PM (BST)

>We are moving near to Domfront
>(61) in July. We
>want to look for a
>second hand LHD car in
>the UK. I have
>noted the message from Lagaragiste,
>and will follow that up
>but can anyone recommend a
>UK dealer selling LHD cars
>further South, i.e. East Anglia,
>home counties etc.

Hi Mallow

We purchased our secondhand LHD Mitsubishi Pajero from an agent in Redhill Surrey and found the whole process quite painless as he organised everything as well as delivered the car to our door. As the car came from Germany it already had a Certificate of Conformity which was accepted when we went to register her here in France at the Prefecture. We did have to go to the Hotel d'Impots first to get a form stating that there was no VAT owing (or something like that). My husband knows more about that side of it. No Controle Technique required until September, no penalty incurred with UK insurer and insurance was cheaper here in France than the UK. I have posted on this subject before if you do a search. Anyway, if you do want to know more please e-mail me.


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