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Insurance for young drivers


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Have got a very large blister on my foot from tramping round town yesterday getting quotes to put my girl on the road in her first car. Unfortunately she never did the conduite accompanie because at that time I had a brand new car and didn't fancy her pranging it and this has gone against us by about 200 in premium costs. We found absolutely nothing under 1010 euros toutes risques for a very small basic vehicle and returned home resigned to the fact that this was going to cost us. Eventually the company with whom my husband has four policies with came up trumps at 950 as a special price so we should have rung them first before getting the blisters. One thing came out with all the companies visited, they were more interested in quoting what we would be paying for the second and third years of insurance rather than the current situation and some of them were just downright snobby with their attitude to a new driver. AXA came out best with their quote and the lady was very sympathetic but in the end we stuck with what we knew already. Apparently you can also insure the vehicle in your name and put your child on as a named driver with their own bonus points,but as my husband said, if anything happened to either of us,there might be a lot of problems with paperwork. So all of you parents out there with kids coming upto driving age - think hard about the future and what it's going to cost if you don't have pots of money cos here is chick and egg country, no car no job,no job no money to pay for car
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Cheers Val, that's made my day !!

Wer have been told to put daughter on our insurance for now, it does mean a bigger franchise in an accident and if her fault we would lose our no claims, which then increases our insurance.

So what you have said completes the circle, it ain't gonna be cheap whichever way you look at it !!

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