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Caravan registration - again


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We are one of the unlucky people who own a uk caravan and are trying to get it registered - as usual its a company who have been taken over by another company and worse than that its a 1996 model which means prior to the European legistlation concerning caravans. (Strangely enough the engineer of the company who took over Compass, said he was one of those responsible for bringing in the demands of this legislation.

So thanks to the kindness of another person on the site who have just managed to register their caravan, we at least had a rough idea of what was required.

First visit to the Drire, and this resulted in an interview with a women inspector, who said we were the first to attempt to do this in the area and for a start, as a UK caravan, the door was on the wrong side. Hell if the so called experts dont know the law what chance have we got. She eventually handed over one of the worst forms I have ever seen with instructions to go and get the caravan weighed at a public weighbridge, (we still have not found one yet) and we had to report to the tax de impots to get a certificate to say that we had no import duty to pay, then we had to telephone a company in St Brieuc so we could arrange for our caravan to be inspected to get a certificate of European conformity, then we were required to get a load of complex calculations re the axle and weights, tyres, payloads etc etc. I dont even think bringing in an interpreter is going to help as the form requires specialisat technical details. All msut be done prior to getting an appointment with the control technique crowd. Do we give up now I wonder?

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Hang in there Maggi! It seems very unfair that you should have to jump through these additional hoops, when we had a relatively easy time here in 17. Don't forget that (in theory) the onus is on the DRIRE to prove that your van is unroadworthy according to the EU legislation.

Good luck

John and Angie Moore (17)
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