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Car Insurance


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Many thanks to 'Colin, mpprh, Val_2, MikeW' on their help with car insurance, I was having trouble with Pacifica on their charges. I ended up telephone several othjer companies, and as you mentioned I found that the offical line in France is that they require ones insurance history in detail for up to 13 years depending on company, and also confirmation from those companies. However a personal visit to an insrance comapny and the original piece of paper (statement) I had presented from my current UK company just stating the amount of no claims and the discount I got was enough. This gave me a saving of 60% on what I am paying Pacifica and I also got cheaper house insurance as well. The ne2 company will also deal with the cancellation of my excisting company when it is due to finish. I supoose the morale is the personnel visit and pay the poor had done by. Many thanks again for your comments.
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We spent a whole afternoon last week searching out quotes for our daughter,but previously when trying to telephone for the same thing not one company wanted to quote over the phone and stated that we must present ourselves personally for a written devis. In the end, the ones recommended as being the cheapest for young drivers turned out to be the dearest and their attitude wasn't very nice either,so you really do need to shop around and often find that closest to your door really does work out better that fancy intown offices with prices to match.
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