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taking practical driving test in France


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My 18 year old daughter has learnt to drive in the UK and passed her theory in Feb this year. She has since failed her practical test in the UK. I would like her to take her practical in France since this is where she will be driving. As we are in the EU, and licences are in any case recognised once they are full, would the prefecture accept her english "code" theory pass, and let her just take the practical?

I have spoken to some Auto ecoles about this and they are not sure of the answer. Also my insurance co. Goupama won't insure her as conducteur accompagnee because she hasn't been through the french system! I'm rather stuck. I can't afford to keep sending her back to the UK to take her test, and she's not allowed to practice here.

Help! Any advice from people suffering similar fates with their kids??

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I would simply say that no they won't accept it......as I would imagine that it is highly unlikely that they would. I won't even say that EU law doesn't intend for this to work, it may well. However, she'd probably be here for years before you got it sorted out. And there is no way you will avoid using a driving school here if she wants to pass here. Even with conduit accompanee one has to use a driving school too.

So you have a choice and I certainly know which one I would take.

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No, you must go through the system in France from the beginning.Proof of identity is required before anyone will take her on the road as well for the prefecture to issue a driving licence. How on earth is your daughter going to understand the instructor and examiner if she has no french language to understand the rules and instructions here and do the code all in french? My daughter took and passed her test this year and it has taken a good year to get to that stage because they have to do the screen work first,then when the mistakes get less and less, they do 20 hours driving with more if required with the code coming somewhere during that time and finally the driving tes itself. Cost about 600 equivalent and three years probation now until she can get rid of the A plate. Insurance is horrendous, I know I spent a whole day getting quotes and nothing under 1000 because she did not do accompangnie at 16 to get the hours in. HOwever, all sorted and now she is on the road with her own vehicle.
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I am learning to drive here in France, I am still doing my code.

I am pretty sure she would need to do her theory here as the French exam is much more difficult than the UK exam, and actually tests you on a completely different set of rules!

However, the theory lessons are a really great way for her to improve her French - it is a very restricted vocabulary used in the exams, spoken very clearly in a Parisien accent.

As others have said, she would have to have 20 hours French driving lessons in any case before taking the practical so there is more to it than just the theory test.

If I were you, I would shell out the EUR 12 for the highway code and EUR 15 for a computer CD-ROM with practise exams and see how she gets along with it before you decide. (You would not believe the differences between UK and FR driving rules, every Brit should do this in any case)

Another solution would be to book a single week-long theory+practical exam, with training, in the UK?
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