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Tempo electric - shock!

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Looking at your details you must be on option base  which is the tarif we were on until Nov.  The only option for you, like us, is option heures creuses which charges heures creuses from midnight until 8am at 0.0450 and heures pleines at 0.0765 8am – midnight and standing charge at 7.50€ per month. Don’t know whether it will be cheaper or not time will tell.

On the interrupteur our ballon d’eau has on/off and auto (when we are at the house it is set on auto and we don’t interfere with it)would our plumber have set the above times? I know I can go back and ask him but can I find the info for myself somehow?


I see that you are zeb (from the reply)  Please could someone tell me how you know who is writing?

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[quote]Looking at your details you must be on option base which is the tarif we were on until Nov. The only option for you, like us, is option heures creuses which charges heures creuses from midni...[/quote]

Re the "heures creuses" times... This is set by EDF and varies according to the region.

In the Lot, mine are between 2pm and 5pm and between 2am and 7am, which means I can program my washing machine before leaving in the morning and come home to a finished load at the end of the day.

My sister who lives in the Rhone Alpes region has the same hours as yours, and envies my daytime option...
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Thanks for that Guerambault - still not sure if there would be a saving as nothing much is used during the midnight to 8am period, just fridge freezer (and telly sometimes).

TU - In the morning I can have dishwasher, washing machine, telly, lights, hairdryer and kettle all running at the same time - what more do I need?? We did start off with 3kw when we moved in but it was too difficult synchronising everything

G - perhaps Forum Admin could solve your problem?

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I know, but I need clean clothes!!!!  I have to move the washing pile every time I want to have a shower!!  

I think whoever said Tempo was good for maisons secondaires was right.   It would be no good for anyone with babies and young children who had to keep them warm and use the washing machine every day.

And as Miki said, you have to be able to economise on red days.  This is proving very difficult for us, because our basic need is to make a non-centrally-heated house liveable in, since the cheminée only heats the room it's in.  The bathroom and kitchen have been about 10 degrees or less in the mornings!   As my neighbours tell me, it's just as well I'm not frileuse.  

Maybe over the year it'll balance out, I certainly hope so.


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Yes, we have friends in the south and often look at the weather details to see how much warmer () it is there compared with Normandy. Over the last few weeks daytime temperatures have been around 10° and during the night it has been down as far as -15° in Nice. So I think we are maybe getting a better deal here. It is suddenly getting warmer there now though, still chilly but bright here.

I used to go to the Cannes area for work quite a lot out of season, e.g. November or February, and I certainly would not have liked to have been a brass monkey - especially as the work sometimes involved going out in boats. People who think it's warm all the time in the south of France get a rather nasty shock when reality kicks in.

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[quote]LOL SB so much for living next to the Med. It conjures images of hot days and warm nights and not 10°. A friend has also told me that it is damp in winter too.[/quote]

It can be damp, although it certainly isn't just now.   I left my Australian tablecloth outside just before we moved house in October, and when I unfolded it it was covered in that black mould that doesn't come out, even boiled in bleach.   Hewitts, are you listening????? 

Me old dad's here just now, says it's colder here than in the far reaches of oop North of UK.  On the other hand, they had over 100 inches of rain in January, we had about 5mm.  He looks like a real Paleskin too, he says he might as well be living underground up there, with the amount of sunshine they get! 

So, poverty to the devil, the washing (40-minute cycle at 30° ) is flapping nicely in the Siberian breeze.   I'll be able to go out in public tomorrow!!!


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SB you have got my mind ticking( its ok,im on heure cruises till 3pm!!) and searched out my last lecky bill. Paid in jan for two months about 70 euros. like you there is someone in the house during the day, I don`t have either tumble dryer or dish washer, I use the oven just about every day either lunch or main meal time and have a 6kw tarif with heure cruises between 1 pm and 3pm and 01.30 to 07.30. The water heater goes on overnight about every 3 rd night (except in summer when one night a week is sufficient) and the washer is used every day during the HC tarif. We also have 2 bedrooms but only one has a heater...which is used most evenings(during this cold spell) for the eldest to do her homework in peace. The through lounge is heated by wood burning stove(which I also use to cook casseroles on top of!) Being of solid north west UK stock (who feels the cold more than anyone I know!!) I would have had a fit If a bill came through my postbox to the amount yours did. Mrs O
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SB, try Eau Ecarlate reblanchisseur on your table cloth.  I had sheets all marked in folds with wood smoke.  Works like magic!

Napisan used to be wonderfull but I don't know if they still make it what with disposables!  Showing my age here!

I can't believe Zeb uses all those appliances at the same time on 6k and it doesn't cut out!  Must be stronger electricity than up here

As for bills, I won't tell you how much I have just paid but lets just say it hasn't been read for a very long time and I didn't correct their estimations.........

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