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re-engined Rangrover


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We are moving to Brittany in the near future and one of our vehicles is an ancient Range Rover which has had the original V8 engine replaced by a Mazda three litre turbo diesel engine .

I’m guessing this will be virtually impossible to re-register in France . Anybody any similar experiences ?

We are a bit loath the get rid of it as it’s such a good towing vehicle and worth virtually nothing.

Tom (using the wrong id!)

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Unless it is VERY old, I am afraid that it will be impossible to register this vehicle in France, as it neither conforms to any French-homologated version of the Range Rover nor any EU-homologated version. The UK has a much more generous approach to approvals - especially the Single Vehicle Approval test, which allows on to the UK register vehicles that can never be registered in France.
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I do not advise you to follow the previous advice as insurance voer is definitely an issue.  Speak to your insurer, or potential insurer and I think you will find that after six months on UK plates you insurance is likely to be invalidated if you have a need to use it.  We are having problems with an LPG conversion Range Rover which, like you we are loath to part with.  We have been driving around ignorantly on UK plates with french MOT and french insurance but read on this forum about the insurance being invalid.  Do a search for other threads on this, make some enquiries when you are next over.


By the way we are attempting to change our plates via the Mairie, they said they could help us and they have sent for a dossier, now they are back from holiday we are going to try and proceed.  I will post here the outcomes.

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[quote]I do not advise you to follow the previous advice as insurance voer is definitely an issue. Speak to your insurer, or potential insurer and I think you will find that after six months on UK plates yo...[/quote]

Insurence will not be an issue. There are plenty of French driving around in "changed" vehicles. It might cost more then standard and be a bit harder to find but it's out there.
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[quote]Surely suggesting someone should drive in France in an improperly registered(& therefore not properly insured)vehicle is "inciting illegal activity".Perhaps the moderator should rule.[/quote]

This matter has been "done to death" in the past. It's really upto the the person concerned what they want to do.

As I have said many times is the past. People now a-days when going to live in another country seem to want their hands held all the bloody time. Just go and do it. If you make mistakes and it costs you money, which always seems to be the main issue on this forum, well, that's life and just live it.

The amount I personaly pay to legally operate my cars in this country, should make me highly critical of the ones that don't change their GB plates but I really could not give a "monkeys". It's their decision.

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I know a lot of people don't bother, I even know of one French estate agent who drove around in a English registered car for many years. I was just wondering if it was possible to do it properly!

Tom( Still using Vivi's ID as nobody's sent me a new password!)
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