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Fraud Sir? Me Sir?


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just bought a motor scooter in France to keep and use in ...errr... France.

insured it with AGF (who are well aware that I'm resident and have car in Uk) and said give us a letter from your uk insurer stating that you are entitled to full no claims and we will adjust insurance for scooter based on this proof.

So now back in UK i ask my insurer (they know a lot about gnomes) to send me a confirming letter and do they have a hissy fit or what. I'm told that I'm virtually committing fraud by having vehicles insured with separate companies "using" 1 no claims bonus.

My view is that AGF are not "using" this entitlement but are prepared to offer me discounted insurance on the basis that I demonstrate that my past history (based on proof of current no claims bonus) is good.

Uk insurers view seems to be that that AGF should start my insurance from zero and build up a new no claims bonus with them.

anyone got any views on this?


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as far as UK is concerned I'm a scooter virgin, my full uk no claims bonus is based soley on car use.

as far as france is concerned license wise I'm allowed to use scooter up to 125 cc as I've held a full license for over 2 years.

AGF have seen my license and are insuring my use of the scooter on the basis that my no claims bonus status demonstrates that I appear to be a sensible person, until they receive a copy of the letter stating that I'm entitled to full no claims I'm paying a higher rate as a higher risk, once AGF receive the letter they will reduce my premium.

surely it is up to AGF to be able to base their premium on this basis? I suppose the view of my uk insurer is that I could have an accident on the French insurance and not declare it to the UK insurer for them to adjust my risk rating accordingly.

still not sure whether I've got my head fully around what Uk insurer is driving at!!

regards, Mike

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[quote]as far as UK is concerned I'm a scooter virgin, my full uk no claims bonus is based soley on car use. as far as france is concerned license wise I'm allowed to use scooter up to 125 cc as I've held a...[/quote]

If I remember correctly. The "No-Claims" built up on a car does not count towards Motor Bike insurence. So  you will be starting from scratch as far as AGF are concerned and all they should be interested in is your licence.

Your UK insurence company should not have any interest at all, unless you are insuring a Motor Bike with them, with you obtaining and insuring a bike.

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[quote]The french look on no claims bonus in a different way from UK In UK it is the person who is insured to use the car in France it is the car that is insured. In the UK if you have a second car then yo...[/quote]

I thought the question was about scooters/motor bikes and an English company complaining about having two vehicles insured by two seperate companies!

If you insure a vehicle over here, you have to supply prove that you have at least 13 years claim free driving to get the 50% bonus.

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IN France you still get your full no claims bonus if you get a second car.........not with our company the MAIF you don't. You have to pay the full whack. And we paid full whach when we got our scooter too. Each vehicule has it's own history with them. Then ofcourse the no claims reduces by a tiny amount each year, takes around 10 years to get down to a fifty percent reduction.
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My insurers in France (an AXA agency) contacted my brokers in the UK and obtained an e-mail from them confirming that I had maximum NCB and that I also had a minor RTA a year ago that didn;t effect my NCB as it was protected.

This info was then passed back to AXA, and eventually (about 5 days later) they rang me to say it was sorted.  I popped ina and was presented witha premium of €180 ish for my elderly espace which now lives in France.  Less than paying the UK road tax!

Sice then they have also insured a Massey Ferguson 37 (french equivalent of a 35x for the anorak wearers) for the extortionate amount of €71. 

I also ride bikes expensively and now have a retired trail bike in residence. I asked about insurance and whether they wanted me to produce something from my bike insureres before they quoted on the bike.  No was the cheery reply.  Lord knows how much they will quote me for that, I guess I will find out in October when I am next down there.

Oh and all these are any driver plans.  Amazing!

Stephen (19)

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having requested a letter from my UK insurer stating that I am entitled to full no claims bonus I today received a duplicate insurance schedule. AGF have already seen a copy of the original and requested the confirmation of entitlement letter, which is why I asked for a confirmation letter in the first place.

after a rather short tempered phone call to UK insurer I think we have agreed to a compromise which should satisfy the needs of both insurers.

my UK insurer will write a letter to state that I'm currently insured with them and as part of this insurance I have full no claims entitlement.

hopefully this wording will satisfy my UK insurer that I'm not able to hoodwink another insurer into "using" my no claims bonus with 2 companies at the same time and it will act as a suitable reference for AGF to base their quote on.

still not quite sure what crime I'm supposedly committing!



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I'm not sure the French play by the same rules.

I originally got NCB through a letter from a Swedish company car manager ( in English !).

When I added a second car to the policy, it received the same NCB as the original one.

I think in UK you would have to build up two lots of NCB ?


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